Milwaukee Uncut

Most Recent Episodes

Ike Wynter: Viral Wood Artist

Ike Wynter: Viral Wood Artist

From a giant Crayola Crayon box to a scene out of Spongebob, he’s using his passion for woodworking to inspire creativity and a sense of…

From a giant Crayola Crayon box to a scene out of Spongebob, he’s using his passion for woodworking to inspire creativity and a sense of community in his followers. 

In this episode, we dive into his journey that got him to where he is today, including his struggles with mental health and potential brand collaborations on the horizon.

From a young age, Ike had an entrepreneurial spirit. He started a rock band with his friends when he was in high school – even playing at the Rave on school nights. After graduating and realizing college wasn’t what they wanted to pursue, they left to play shows across the country. Nine years later when the band split up, Ike and his brother started their next gig, a junk removal business.

“We started it the day after. I had zero gap between music and our business. It was like a 12 hour period that I slept.”

In the first year, their business exceeded expectations, allowing them to repay the loan lent to them by their parents.

On the side, Ike started building coffee tables out of discarded pallets. After posting them on Facebook, people started reaching out asking him to make tables for them. 

From there, Ike’s passion for woodworking took off, but challenges with his mental health created ebbs and flows in his ability to produce art; “I couldn’t even walk into my studio.”

Around 2021, he completely uprooted his life – leaving his studio and MIlwaukee – to move across the country to California where he would go to work for the Dream Machine Foundation

We talk through the last few years of his life and what it means for him to be back in Milwaukee creating art again. The city has embraced him with open arms, and a recent collaboration for 414 Day sparked new recognition for his work in the city he calls home.

Mothers Day Special Ep w/ Grandma Lainey (Elaine Burke)

Mothers Day Special Ep w/ Grandma Lainey (Elaine Burke)

Living a full life, beginnings of Trek Bicycle, 10k steps a day at age 91 and more.

In celebration of Mother’s Day I got to have my 91 year old grandmother Lainey Burke on this weeks episode. 

In this quick episode we covered the following topics: 

  • Growing up in Madison 
  • Attending Marquette University as one of twelve women in the business school 
  • The beginnings of Trek Bicycle 
  • Flower arranging & a show coming to Milwaukee 
  • Living a full life 

Milwaukee Uncut is produced by Story Mark Studios, in partnership with OnMilwaukee and presented by Nicolet Law and Central Standard Distillery. 


Lainey Burke: He came home all excited because on the plane he talked to the guy sitting next to him and this guy was in the bicycle business and he needed money and I said, Oh, here we go again.

Richie Burke: Hey everyone, welcome back to Milwaukee Uncut produced right in the heart of Walker’s Point by Story Mark Studios in partnership with On Milwaukee and presented by Nicolet Law, the Midwest law firm in central Standard distillery.

Speaking of Graham Mulaney and I had a nice brandy, old fashion, a canned brandy, old fashion that central standard didn’t collaboration with wine and Kugel’s. I know I’ve talked about those on the show before those are good. And I saw that they just released their bomb pop ready pour. So make sure to check that out.

I have not tried it yet, but it looks delicious central standard and also a shout out to Nicolet Law. Bre and I were coming back from Minneapolis. This week and stopped in Hudson, Wisconsin, where Nikola is headquartered out of had a nice beer, actually. I had two beers at the smiling moose in Hudson with Cassie at Nikola.

And then we bombarded Russell who was working late in his office. The guy is more than just a pretty cartoon on a billboard. Russell was working, working late over at Nikola law. So thanks to central standard Nikola law for their support. This is a very special episode to me. Got to have. My favorite person in the world.

My 91 year old grandmother, Elaine Burke on the podcast. She is a mother of five children. She’s the matriarch of Trek bicycle. She was there right at the beginning. She’s one of the early women to graduate from the Marquette business school. She’s had a career hole in one. That’s one more than me, very philanthropic.

I mean, one of my favorite things selfishly about her is she responds to all of our company newsletters. Like it’s a personal email to her and I get a nice encouraging response. So she’s, she’s a, she’s a fan and I, I really appreciate that. And just a, an amazing human being who’s lived a very full life.

And it was in honor to have her drop down in the studio and highlight her story. Today so happy mother’s day to everyone. I hope you enjoy this. You have an amazing life story. You grew up in in madison you know, quite a long time ago. Can you talk about what it, what it was like growing up in, in Madison?

Lainey Burke: Well, I thought of Madison as a great city to grow up in. Lots of good, interesting places and so forth. And I got, I got a fascinating job there. And all was well.

Richie Burke: It was kind of a strict household, right?

Lainey Burke: Out of a strict household, right. Huh.

Richie Burke: I know when we did the documentary on you, I believe your, your dad told you that women don’t go to college.

They work in, in offices, but you, you took a different path.

Lainey Burke: Well, he did say that and so I went to Marquette and then I graduated and worked in an office.

Richie Burke: What was it like going to Marquette in the 50s?

Lainey Burke: It was a great, I was in a biz ad class, and there were out of 200 students in biz ad at that point. There are only 12 women. And so it was a great time.

Richie Burke: Then you met your future husband, Dick Burke, the big guy. Yes.

Lainey Burke: We had a good time. Good college.

Richie Burke: I heard when he was dating you, he actually started showing up to the library. That was probably good for him because he didn’t pass by much.

Lainey Burke: He was, he’s just not doing very well academically until he spent more time in the library. Let’s put it that way.

Richie Burke: So you got, you got, you basically got him through, through college.

Lainey Burke: I don’t know as I got him through, he would never have agreed about that.

Richie Burke: After you both graduated, I believe you got married right away.

Lainey Burke: And we got married right away, but then we lived in Peoria, Illinois, and we just stayed there for a year.

And then we moved to, he went to, he was employed by Mott’s paint in Madison. And so we moved back to Madison very happily. Happily, of course, in my mind. And I worked at Oscar Meyer and had a great time there. And so I had some babies and all was well.

Richie Burke: And then did you move to Tosa when you had kids?

Lainey Burke: Yes, huh. Yes, we lived in Tosa until we moved out to, to a house on the lake because Dick couldn’t take any vacation, he felt, and so that was his way of celebrating with family.

Richie Burke: And you moved out to Beaver Lake. Yes, you had one of the nicer houses on beaver lake and now you have the least expensive house on beaver lake.

Lainey Burke: It was a we we we took a cottage and made it into a full time house on beaver lake.

Richie Burke: When grandpa was so he was working at at roth And then roth distributing and then the president passed away and The employees chose to buy into the company, correct? And you had to take a loan from both of your parents in order to do that, which was risky at the time.

Lainey Burke: Yes, yes. We did that. And every month I diligently paid off the loan until it was for, until it was all paid off.

Richie Burke: So I remember you, you finally paid the loan off after five or six years and then he Got back from a trip and wanted to get into the bicycle business and put more money into it.

Lainey Burke: Yeah.

Yes. So my attitude when he he Dick when it was traveling and he came home all excited. Why was he excited? Because on the plane, he, he talked to the guy sitting next to him. And this guy was in the. business. He owned a bicycle company and, and he needed money. And I said, Oh, here we go again. I could just, we had paid off our loan originally.

And so yes, here we went again. And have, and got in the bicycle business and I paid it off every month.

Richie Burke: Who would you say was the best behaved out of the older kids? Kathy, Mary, or JB? Ha, ha, ha,

Lainey Burke: ha. Now, I know what I’m supposed to say here. You’re supposed to tell the truth on the podcast. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

They each had their enduring qualities.

Richie Burke: Is it true that, or do you believe that I mean, Mary filed a complaint on the video we did that when you left money, when you went out of town for them to get food, JB just took it and spent it on beer. Ha ha

Lainey Burke: ha. That could have been. Ha ha ha.

Richie Burke: I heard they were a big fan of your cooking.

Lainey Burke: Really? Now that surprises me. Ha, ha, ha, ha. I never considered myself in that direction. Ha,

Richie Burke: ha, ha. J. V. said when you were eating on the, on the back patio in the summer that, ha, ha.

Lainey Burke: I do remember that.

Richie Burke: That when you went inside, they’d toss it off the deck.

Lainey Burke: I do remember that.

And, and I didn’t catch on to it either. No, no, you did not, did not catch on. Totally naive. What

Richie Burke: were your views on JB’s parenting? Style growing up when I was growing up, you know, he

Lainey Burke: When he was growing up or you were growing up

Richie Burke: when I when I was growing up Great guy got a little fired up at times. I think he had two technical fouls in the middle school basketball league Put me through the quote unquote bobby knight school of driving Were those recommendations from you?

I probably

Lainey Burke: no I was gonna say You’re teaching me things right now that I can smile and enjoy.

Richie Burke: You’re enjoying that? I had to go through the Bobby Knight school of driving?

Lainey Burke: No, no. With him. No, no.

Richie Burke: We have had a lot of good times together. Just wanted to get your thoughts on that. Can you talk about your gardening?

Accolades. How did you get into it? You’ve been all over the world. You’ve judged competitions.

Lainey Burke: Well, it’s not so much gardening as it is flower arranging. Excuse me. It’s plant. So I, I’m a flower arranging judge. And yes, I have traveled around the world, both to see flower shows and participate in some. And I was at a That’s what I was doing today, was going to a meeting regarding a big flower show.

We’re going to have a worldwide flower show here in Milwaukee on September, September 9th people will be coming from all over to do flower arrangements and show their horticulture. all these things and to view these things. And so it’s open to the public. And we have speakers coming from all over.

And it’s just really. Good big event for Milwaukee.

Richie Burke: Where is it?

Lainey Burke: It’s at this, this is going to be at St. John’s, which is a senior center. And it has two big halls for speakers and for social events, dinners, and it has wide halls and lots of viewing spaces, which is. Just gorgeous. We’ve had it at places like at Harley and lots of other places in town.

We think this will be really special and nice.

Richie Burke: You’re a proud St. John’s part time resident. Yes. Did you make this happen there?

Lainey Burke: Yes. So I am on the committee.

Richie Burke: What what’s your favorite kind of flower?

Lainey Burke: Oh, I can’t even say anything that’s blooming beautifully or has a good shape to it.

Richie Burke: What a great outlook on life, and I would like to talk about your fitness.

Did you do some Pilates this morning?

Lainey Burke: Yes, I did Pilates this morning.

Richie Burke: How many steps are we up to?

Lainey Burke: Well, my, I like to do 10, 000 steps, but that’s in the summer when it’s nice outside and I can see and so forth. So during the winter, I don’t do quite as many.

Richie Burke: Just the inspiration over there.

Lainey Burke: All right.

Whatever you call it.

Richie Burke: You’ve lived such an amazing life. Any, any advice to others who would like to live a,

Lainey Burke: I don’t know if I could impart anything, but I just have been very blessed in so many ways. And I, I enjoy it. I’m very blessed, very lucky.

Richie Burke: I think your voicemail tells people to enjoy their day. Do you want to speak on that at all?

Lainey Burke: That says it all. And I’ve been very blessed with my family and so many good things.

Richie Burke: Thanks for tuning into Milwaukee Uncut. If you would like to support the show, please subscribe. If you have not already, write a review and share with your friends that all helps us get more ears on this content. And just a reminder that Milwaukee Uncut is produced in the heart of Walker’s Point by Story Mark Studios in partnership with OnMilwaukee and presented by Nicolet Law and Central Standard Distillery.

Milwaukee Bartenders Uncut: Devin Wagner, Kameron Jones, and Gracie Kalichefski

Milwaukee Bartenders Uncut: Devin Wagner, Kameron Jones, and Gracie Kalichefski

Devin Wagner (Harp), Kameron Jones (Wicked Hop, formerly RWB) and Gracie Kalichefski (Red Rock) join for our first ever edition of Bartenders Uncut!  Topics discussed…

Devin Wagner (Harp), Kameron Jones (Wicked Hop, formerly RWB) and Gracie Kalichefski (Red Rock) join for our first ever edition of Bartenders Uncut! 

Topics discussed in order: 

  • How they got into bartending 
  • Weirdest thing ever written on a receipt 
  • How do you know if a bartender is showing interest
  • What your drink says about you 
  • Amazing FaceTime interview with GCTB Owner Daniel Slade (@ai_cowboy_mke)
  • Most money the bartenders have made in one tip and in a day 
  • Favorite bars 
  • Best bars to meet women 

For clips follow Milwaukee Uncut on Instagram:

For full length video interviews (and more clips/short interviews) check out Milwaukee Uncut on YouTube:

For guest & topic submissions:

If you want to support the show please share, review and subscribe 🙂 


Kameron Jones: Like if a bartender goes out of her way to offer you a round of shots or a free drink, I would say she’s probably flirting with you.

Richie Burke: What’s the weirdest thing someone has ever written on a receipt?

Kameron Jones: Oh, that’s crazy.

Richie Burke: Hey everyone, welcome back to Milwaukee Uncut, produced in the heart of Walkers Point by Story Mark Studios, in partnership with On Milwaukee and presented by Nicolet Law, the Midwest’s law firm and Central Standard Distillery.

Which we drank a decent amount of on this episode, always recommend central standard distillery. Whether you’re having a casual cocktail with friends or looking to get after it a little bit at any of the bars mentioned on this episode, always responsibly, of course, we covered a lot of ground today. If you’re interested in how much bartenders make on water street and third street, what your drink says about you, where the best bars to meet women in Milwaukee are.

How to know if a bartender is actually showing interest in you and the bartender’s favorite bars in Milwaukee. Those are just some of the things that we covered today. It’s a great episode also had just a compelling, riveting call with Milwaukee’s cowboy, Daniel Slade, who we ended up FaceTiming in while taking a bomb.

That was, that was, that was good. Joining me today. We’ve got Kameron Jones. She is at Wicked Hop formerly at RWB, red, white, and blue. We’ll Also does social media for the bucks. We’ve got Devin Wagner who bartends and does marketing for the harp and was also a track star at UWM. And we have Gracie Kaliszewski, who is a bartender and marketing manager at Red Rock.

Also a couple of very quick announcement. If you want to see any of the clips, head over to Instagram. If you want to watch the full episode, head over to YouTube. We’re putting a lot of content on those platforms. We’ll link. Those in the show notes or you can just search Milwaukee uncut on any social platforms Also some other news milwaukee uncut now has its own drink and taco at vagabond during the entire month of may Vagabond highlights a small business every month and this month they teamed up with us.

So thank you to the people over there They’re also the same owners At the harp. So go check them out and have them walk you on cut cocktail and taco. All right, let’s dive in to this episode of Milwaukee on cut bartenders on cut edition. Thank you three for joining today for the highly anticipated episode of bartenders on cut.

So I’d love to just go around quick and hear how you got to Milwaukee and how you ended up bartending. Devin, we can kick it off with you.

Devin Wagner: Oh, okay. Well, so actually my sister was living in Milwaukee. She just accepted her first teaching job and I was like looking for schools and I ended up getting a track scholarship at UW Milwaukee.

So that’s how I ended up here. But I didn’t start bartending until I decided I wanted to actually live in Milwaukee full time, like throughout the summers and ran across the harp and I went in and I turned in my application and, Here I am still working there four years later, but yeah, that’s how I got into it.

Richie Burke: Great establishment. Yes, of course

Kameron Jones: Four years is impressive yeah, so I went to illinois state for a little bit and then covid happened and I left illinois state and then it was kind of Ping ponging between three different colleges uwm columbia and chicago and then nova southeastern and fort lauderdale and then one of my really good friends at the time You lived in Milwaukee and went to Gracie KalichefskiGracie KalichefskiGracie KalichefskiGracie Kalichefski UWM and I was like, I know a bunch of people up there, let’s just go there.

And then another one of my friends was the bartender at the Tiki Bar, shout out Tiki Bar, and she introduced me to it and then I applied, got the job, and then two weeks after that I got hired at RWB and then was there for a year and a half, a little bit more than a year and a half, and then went to Wicked Hop just this past two weeks.

Richie Burke: How would you describe your year and a half at RWB?

Kameron Jones: In one word. A treat. To be sweet. The

Richie Burke: place is just a combination of absolute chaos and maybe heaven on earth at times for younger people. I mean, you know, you can really Much younger than me, but RWB, you can

Kameron Jones: Yeah, anything you search for, you can definitely find there.

In some shape or form, so. You’re welcome. I’m not here to make a definition of what that is, but you can always see for yourself when you enter that place.

Richie Burke: I was once there after a Marquette game, probably about five, six years ago with Brie. And so I would have been. Almost 30 at the time and we invited Chris Stegman who was president of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel who was 50 and recently divorced and Oh, RWB year old bald guy who rolled into RWB.

You probably

Kameron Jones: loved that.

Richie Burke: Chris Stegman Hey, if you want to go somewhere to dance, there it is. He acted like he wasn’t happy, but I know he loved going there.

Kameron Jones: Deep down he was loving it.

Richie Burke: And then he proceeded to get Denied entrance to joe cats At one

Kameron Jones: time. Hey, man,

Richie Burke: then he was so elusive. He’s an ex two time iron man He just ran right around him and got into joe.

Shout out to chris stegman He’s currently in salt lake city running the salt lake tribune. Good shout out stegman Gracie how did you end up here?

Gracie Kalichefski: You know, I don’t really know. I started bartending because I got my dog and I needed to afford her. Because it’s not just when you buy them. And so I got, I applied to every single bar on Water Street.

I emailed them saying that my name was Grace and I love to talk. And then I got an interview at Red Rock and a couple other places. And I went there and I got the job. And then I’ve been there for a little over two years now.

Richie Burke: Nice. Yep. Yeah. Dogs aren’t cheap.

Gracie Kalichefski: No, still not. I don’t know how much it’s helping, but she’s, I try find life.

Richie Burke: That’s why I try and throw Oakley in the podcast, which she’s really excited about right now. And some of our ads excited. I try, I try get, I try and get a little bit of ROI off the guy with all the money we spend on a little

Kameron Jones: picture of, she’s comfortable .

Richie Burke: It’s here, the

Kameron Jones: camera here. We’re happy to able to see, but.

She is dead asleep. Out cold.

Richie Burke: It’s male dog, Oakley.

Kameron Jones: Oh sorry. He is passed out. He’s out cold.

Richie Burke: We gotta get him up on the couch when we call Daniel Slade. Potentially owner of Great Clips Tiki Bar. I think, I wasn’t excited about the we have these new Central Standard they’re kind of mini shot bottles.

They’re not mini

Kameron Jones: shot bottles. They’re double mini shots. They’re not shot bottles. I think there’s about four shots in each of those. They’re cute

Richie Burke: though. They are cute. They got a nice label on them. Yeah. You guys will get to leave with some. They’re at the studio. We can’t legally sell them. But I think if Daniel Slade answers, then we might actually need to take the shot in celebration.


Kameron Jones: yeah. I think we would need four little glasses though. Because.

Richie Burke: We got, we got glasses over there. We can, oh, perfect. We can have. From Michigan. What’s Alex. Alex. Alex can, Alex can pour some up for us. Alex from

Kameron Jones: Michigan, that’s what she’s here for. Alex from Michigan

Richie Burke: is in the studio. Shout out to Alex from Michigan.

Yeah, that’s my best

Kameron Jones: friend.

Richie Burke: Alright, what’s the weirdest thing someone has ever written on a receipt?

Gracie Kalichefski: Thanks for the show. Oh, that would be mine.

Richie Burke: We’re at Red Rock.

Kameron Jones: That’s crazy. Yep.

Richie Burke: What time of day was this?

Gracie Kalichefski: I don’t know. Well, I typed the receipt in at probably 2. 30.

Richie Burke: Okay, so it was a close, but it was probably

Gracie Kalichefski: yeah, it was probably like a night shift.


Richie Burke: group of guys

Gracie Kalichefski: I think it was an old fella Yeah, and I saved that one a it’s in my room just you know, I don’t think

Richie Burke: it was Chris Stegman Former president of the Journal Sentinel. I don’t think so.

Gracie Kalichefski: I hope not. I

Richie Burke: just wanted to clarify.

Kameron Jones: I don’t know if I have anything that’s like standing out but a lot of like phone numbers or like your cute add me on snap with no tips attached to it and like now I wouldn’t be looking for that but if you’re trying to pick up a girl bartender by leaving your snapchat or your phone number with no tip You will not be getting an ad and you will not be getting a text.

I can absolutely guarantee that. That’s probably the one thing that comes to mind.

Gracie Kalichefski: Yeah, yeah I mean and like it’s usually like a number and it doesn’t have a name So like yeah, yeah like or like yeah, like and a lot of people like at red rack like I share a drawer with someone And same sharing it with my friend and like they’re writing it down for her and she like doesn’t know who you are Like there’s no name.

Kameron Jones: Yeah, especially

Richie Burke: So is that not a good tactic for someone to write their name and number on a receipt? No,

Kameron Jones: if you want if you want to talk to a bartender and you want their number just talk to them Cause especially I know at Red Rock and at, at least RWB, we don’t have like toast, like the not Wicked Hot, the Harp and Trinity have, we have actual receipts.

So at the end of the night, we’re typing in anywhere from 50 to 400 receipts. We are not looking when people are writing on it. Like we’re just typing it in, moving on, typing and moving it on. So

Devin Wagner: I think the biggest thing too, if you ask for their number and they say like, oh, I’m sorry. I like don’t give out my number.

Don’t ask again. Or like, yeah, yes. Oh, I have a boyfriend. Even if, you know, they don’t like, yeah. We said it for a reason. Like keep keep it moving.

Kameron Jones: Yeah.

Richie Burke: That’s something guy, I don’t think I, I didn’t even know of that. If you write your receipt or name on a receipt, it may just get lost.

Kameron Jones: Oh yeah. Under, yeah.

Yeah. Like people don’t home and like, we don’t take that straight, straight up fast. I’m sharing.

Gracie Kalichefski: Yeah. If I’m sharing a drawer with someone. And like it’s for her and I’m typing it in like she’s like the chances of you seeing is probably not gonna happen

Kameron Jones: Yeah, and we don’t we talk to so many people throughout like the span of a night.

We don’t know who’s who we don’t remember If someone told us they wrote their name on a receipt or their number on our seat. Cool

Gracie Kalichefski: i’m not gonna have more of a chance getting someone’s number out than you do if they’re working Like yeah, I don’t know like just think like if you’re at your job and some random person comes up. You’re probably not gonna

Kameron Jones: I’ve only done it once.

Richie Burke: It’s pretty common to get someone’s number when you’re out.

Gracie Kalichefski: Yeah, so maybe if you see your bartender out

Kameron Jones: Yeah, I mean, I’ve only I’ve only given my number out once And it paid off. So

Richie Burke: And you’re still together, right? We are still

Kameron Jones: together. Yeah, is that rwb too?

Yeah, the good old rwb. You

Richie Burke: can find love on water street

Kameron Jones: third street Yeah, we did meet there. I was bartending. So Yeah, and we’re it’s almost a year and a half. So

Gracie Kalichefski: Find love. Good job. Or on the Red Rock Dating Show. Or that.

Richie Burke: You want to plug that? Yep. Seems pretty cool.

Gracie Kalichefski: In September. Come out again. It was in February.

Kameron Jones: It was so fun. You’ll find your match, I promise. And Grace did a great job setting it up.

Richie Burke: What was this event? Do you want to explain it?

Kameron Jones: I mean, yeah. So, we went.

Richie Burke: Was It was. So,

Kameron Jones: like, any like YouTube videos that you see of like, Our friends speed dating people and like they’re there’s the curtain and there’s the person on the one side and like the 10 people on The other it basically was that so you had either a bachelor or bachelorette asking questions And then the guys would answer and some Some people were answering real crazy.

I was like, there’s no way Out of your mouth.

Gracie Kalichefski: Yeah, it’s on the stage and then there’s like seating to watch it. So it was super fun

Kameron Jones: There were so many entertaining So many people it was i’ve never laughed harder at a bar in my life

Gracie Kalichefski: and you get a lot of free shots

Kameron Jones: Yes, yes It was really fun.

Richie Burke: All right, let’s move on to what your drink says about you.

New segment on the podcast. Go with vodka soda lime.

Gracie Kalichefski: I don’t want to be too mean. My friends are the number one consumers of this. Yes, they are. I

Richie Burke: feel like vodka soda lime is a classy drink. Like a vodka soda.

Devin Wagner: I feel like a lot of times it’s girls just kind of like choosing to like, you know, Drink that drink and like force it down just because they know it’s like they’re not having the added sugars or all that stuff like The calories are being more like it

Gracie Kalichefski: tastes better as a press.

Yeah, I would say vodka Then

Devin Wagner: it’s like okay, I feel like I can’t drink a

Richie Burke: vodka press this popular drink

Gracie Kalichefski: or a berry water lime that’s easy one

Richie Burke: What is that?

Gracie Kalichefski: It’s berry backup water and lime juice You get a little bit more flavor. It’s way better than a back and it doesn’t taste like rummy alcohol with a little splash of lime Yeah

Richie Burke: Kim, what about people who order vodka?

Red Bull

Kameron Jones: do drugs? .

Richie Burke: What if you’re old and you need to stay awake?

Kameron Jones: Just drink a Red Bull. You don’t need mixing. To me mixing alcohol and caffeine is terrifying. ’cause that’s just like poison. So at that point, might as well just do, don’t do drugs, please. .

Gracie Kalichefski: I’ll say like one, one Vac Red Bull. Like it’s like that’s fine, right?

Like you need like a vac, red Bull, whatever. But it’s like. A little concerning when it’s like their fourth time up and it’s their fourth vodka redbull. It’s still vodka redbull. Yeah How are you

Richie Burke: mentally tracking that

Gracie Kalichefski: sometimes? Because not many people order them but it’s like the same groups will and usually like It was like probably two weekends ago It was two guys that kept coming up and I want to say it was like probably four times.

So eight vodka redbulls They’re one really expensive and they’re expensive and two that’s just like a lot of redbull You A lot of Red Bull. We gave her the whole can, so. It’s, it’s four cans of Red Bull from 9 to 10. 30.

Kameron Jones: And especially like, cause some people, I had some people who would just get one and they’d get like a single vodka Red Bull, which that’s okay.

That’s not on a drug level.

Richie Burke: What does a tap beer say about someone when they order a tap beer at a party bar?

Devin Wagner: I just think it’s so weird when you order a tap beer like past 11 PM because that’s when like the dance floor’s crowded, the bar’s crowded, and you’re trying to like get through the crowd while you’re like.

It’s like, can you just get the bottle? They’re like, no, I prefer tap. I’m just like, is there that big of a difference? And maybe it’s just cause I’m not a beer drinker, but

Kameron Jones: you lose half of it walking back to your friends.

Devin Wagner: Exactly.

Richie Burke: I, I love tap beer .

Kameron Jones: He’s like, that’s me,

Richie Burke: Olympian. Alright, next. I’m like, all these, so far I need a vodka red bull to stay awake.

If I’m not, he’s like taking, I love, I love tap beer. I love vodka soda. See?

Kameron Jones: Okay, well a tap beer at a place like Wicked Hop is great. Yeah, because we have like the nice glasses. We have all like the fancier tap beers, but at a place like. The harp

Richie Burke: granite i’m out at harper red rock like maybe maybe four times a year past 11 30.

Come on, make it like

Kameron Jones: six Make it at least one. My trend’s

Richie Burke: been going downwards over the years Maybe what about a cherry bomb Shout out to brandon chalker former uwm phenom and the current the current founder of the e sports alliance, milwaukee

Kameron Jones: You know so many people I love a good cherry bomb, to be honest.

I, but I don’t do, I do, I do like cherry McGillicuddy’s, but I do the yellow Red Bull, the tropical Red Bull. It’s so much better, but I was converted maybe a few months ago to a root beer bomb, which is root beer, McGillicuddy’s and Coke, but at Wicked Hop, we do root beer float bombs. So it’s root beer, McGillicuddy’s and rum chata.

It is so any kind of like bomb. I love. I’m a bomb girl. I love them. I kind of want one right now.

Gracie Kalichefski: I would rather have a shot of tequila probably. I would say like a cherry bomb for me would be like if I need a little bit of Red Bull. So I’m not ordering a vodka Red Bull because I wouldn’t do that. I’m not crazy.

But I think like I mean like at Red Rock we use McGillicuddy’s at Harp you guys use vodka, correct? Yeah. So it’s like it kind of depends like that at Harp it would be a stronger bomb, but I feel like For me like they don’t do that much but if they’re fun easy shot when you don’t want to like take something That’s gonna get you super fucked up.

Devin Wagner: So yeah I feel like when you’re out for bomb night though, you like yeah, everyone’s gonna have a bomb but yeah

Richie Burke: Question how many shots does a bomb have in it? Is it a full shot? Not even well, it depends a half a shot

Kameron Jones: So mcgillicuddy’s is not like a full proof liquor, right? So it’s like a shot

Richie Burke: Which is half essentially.

Yeah, so I mean

Kameron Jones: bomb night they do You It’s not even, is it a full shot or a half shot? I believe it’s half. Okay. Yeah, I like to do my, like, count in my head when people pour, cause then I know how much I’m getting. Yeah, usually I think bomb nights. And I usually take one with the least, if I like. Yeah. Bomb nights I think they do half, but, like, on a normal night, a bomb is like a, it’s a full shot worth of alcohol, but if it’s, like, McGillicuddy’s, it’s not a high, like, proof of liquor.

Richie Burke: you could do a Dr. Pepper bomb with one of these.

Kameron Jones: Ooh, that would be good. I could, what, what is it?

Richie Burke: Red Cabin bourbon or brandy. We got brandy and we have whiskey. I could, I could do, I’ll

Kameron Jones: do the cherry vodka.

Richie Burke: It’s really good.

Kameron Jones: Do we have a mixer or do we wanna just take shots?

Richie Burke: Or should

Kameron Jones: we make a bomb?

Richie Burke: Do you have your Dr. Pepper over there?

Kameron Jones: It’s like my spit in it though. I don’t want to.

Richie Burke: No, he’ll pass. What

Kameron Jones: drinks do you have in the little whiteboard room up there?

Richie Burke: I think we got bubbler. Oh yeah.

Kameron Jones: Do you want to grab a bubbly from that fridge up there? I feel bad making her make these bombs. Oakley, don’t leave.

Richie Burke: oh, he wants to see his mom.

Kameron Jones: He’s gone. Bye Oakley. Should we call Slade while we’re waiting for these?

Richie Burke: Maybe one while they’re poured. Cause I mean, how good of a combo would that be if we had it in hand and he picked it up? Hey everyone. It’s your host, Richie Burke. Thank you for tuning into Milwaukee Uncut.

Please take a second to subscribe. If you have not already, that helps support the show, get more ears on this podcast, and we’ve got a lot of great Milwaukee episodes coming up. Also just wanted to give a quick thank you to our sponsors, our friends over at Nicolet Law, the Midwest law firm and Central Standard Distillery.

Also, if you have not yet, make sure to go check out the craft house right outside the third ward. They’ve got great drinks, great food, and a really nice rooftop for when it gets warmer out, which hopefully it will soon. All right back to the episode.

Gracie Kalichefski: I could have one shot, then I took a look.

Richie Burke: Well, there’s definitely less than a shot in there because these are like two shots and we only did one of these and then a little part of another one.

Are you gonna call Slade?

Kameron Jones: Me?

Richie Burke: Or me.

Kameron Jones: I think you should, I haven’t talked to Slade in a real long time.

Richie Burke: I think he’d probably answer your call before. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cody, we’re still rolling, right? Yeah, you’re good. Okay.

Kameron Jones: This is the most imperative part of this podcast.

Gracie Kalichefski: I need a straw. Oh, it smells good.

Richie Burke: All right. To every, to everyone watching, we were calling Daniel Slade AKA Cowboy of Milwaukee and owner of the Great Clips Tiki Bar. Okay. No, for a legal,

Kameron Jones: a legal standpoint, he doesn’t actually own the Tiki bar. We just like to say he did it for a day or two.

Richie Burke: I mean, he basically bought out the bar, buying all the drinks at the Tiki bar.

Kameron Jones: I want his face to like pop up. There’s a little, a little sticker that is like dancing back and forth.

Richie Burke: I don’t even know if I have his number.

Kameron Jones: Oh. Do you want his number? We are prank calling him. You don’t have his number? He’s not gonna answer a random number. I really don’t think, I have not talked to that man in over a year.

I just messaged him on

Richie Burke: Instagram.

Kameron Jones: I don’t have any contact with him. Don’t worry, I have Daniel Slade’s number.

Richie Burke: Alright, Kam.

Kameron Jones: Call him up. I don’t think he’s gonna answer me.

Gracie Kalichefski: Watch, she’s black. It goes straight to voiceless.

Richie Burke: I’m sorry. I literally don’t have his number. Okay, well,

Kameron Jones: how about I give you his number, you call him on the phone, see if he answers.

Richie Burke: From my 608 area code? Random number? Like, that’s gonna work? This is, this is the only How about we just

Kameron Jones: try? Cause I really don’t wanna, I don’t think he’s gonna answer me.

Richie Burke: Yeah, I do wanna FaceTime. Alright, how about from your phone I’ll call him?

Kameron Jones: Yeah.

Richie Burke: Okay. It’s a good compromise. I don’t mind calling him, I just don’t think he’s going to answer my 608 number.

Kameron Jones: If he answers me, I will be shocked.

I can like see that. Hey! Hey! Hey! He’s gonna be like, why the hell is Cameron Jones not here?

Richie Burke: He’s unavailable.

Kameron Jones: He declined me. He did? I told you!

Richie Burke: Wait, wait, wait, wait. He’s calling back.

Kameron Jones: Oh!

Richie Burke: Oh, how do I do that?

Kameron Jones: Swipe down, swipe down.

Richie Burke: Oh wait, did he not? I thought he called, oh wait. He’s calling back. Screen record it.

We lost him. We lost him. Daniel Slade, Daniel Slade, you are live on Milwaukee Uncut. And since you picked up the phone, we are going to take a bomb in honor of you over here.

Kameron Jones: Oh, hi Slade! Wait, wait, we didn’t cheers, we didn’t cheers. Hold on.

Richie Burke: Cheers to Daniel Slade.

Kameron Jones: Cheers. Cheers. Cheers.

Richie Burke: Cowboy MP. This is really big.

Hang on one sec, we do want to talk to you quick.

Kameron Jones: It’s a couple gulps. Yeah, it’s great.

Gracie Kalichefski: And I said

I wasn’t drinking

Richie Burke: Okay, we got Daniel Slade dancing cowboy MKE or AI cowboy or just How have you been doing lately?

Daniel Slade: I’m doing great. Doing really good. Good to talk to you, Richie.

Richie Burke: Great talking to you. We are curious, is the Great Clips Tiki Bar coming back for 2024 at Bradford Beach?

Anything you’d like to say to the city of Milwaukee?

Daniel Slade: I mean, if the original cast members, those on the couch there, are coming back.

Kameron Jones: We don’t think so. Maybe.

Daniel Slade: Maybe. I think it’s reached its, you know, you got to shut it down. Well,

Richie Burke: okay. Okay. What if, what if they come back to celebrate, even if they’re not bartending?

Daniel Slade: It’d be like a

Richie Burke: reunion

Daniel Slade: for sure.

Richie Burke: Or what about, what about moving it to the harp?

Daniel Slade: Yeah.

Kameron Jones: Hey, we do. Wait, there is a Tiki bar right next to

Daniel Slade: it. I prefer club Brady, but

Richie Burke: are you, are you at work at Baird right now? Are you in your cubicle?

Daniel Slade: I’m in an open workspace. He’s

Richie Burke: in an open workspace on Bartenders Uncut.

This guy’s just an animal. Looking good, by the way, too. So we also heard that you’ve just been a machine at Pottawattamie recently with several Several big nights. Do you want to comment on

Daniel Slade: that? Yeah, let me put my earphones on

Gracie Kalichefski: His boss said where were you?

Kameron Jones: What were you talking about?

Richie Burke: Cody are we picking any of this up?

Daniel Slade: We do have a fellow podcaster sitting next to me here But he’s also my boss’s boss, so.

Kameron Jones: Oh, so head honch. Your

Richie Burke: boss has a boss?

Kameron Jones: Head honch.

Richie Burke: We thought you were a baller. There’s levels above you? Oh, I mean. How much are these guys pulling in?

Daniel Slade: Well, we’re doing pretty good, you know. We got our name on the side of the building now.

Richie Burke: He’s drinking an athletic beer right now.

Kameron Jones: Guys, Slate knows how to get down with it.

Daniel Slade: Number one workplace in Milwaukee.

Richie Burke: I have heard

Kameron Jones: that.

Richie Burke: Okay. So do you want to chat about your big winnings at Pato recently?

Daniel Slade: Yeah, I’ve been doing, doing all right. And

Richie Burke: what is the, what Pato?

Kameron Jones: I don’t know if legally he wants to pay.


Richie Burke: 000. Daniel Slade, a 22, 000 man. Why can’t I have that happen to me? You could throw plenty of plenty of tiki bar parties for 22, 000.

Gracie Kalichefski: I have my loan is 505 a month, if you want to donate.

Richie Burke: Do you guys have any questions for the cowboy of Milwaukee over there?

Gracie Kalichefski: Do you guys need another employee or can you bet for me?

Kameron Jones: I’ll give you, I’ll give you 5 to put on black, take it or leave it. We

Richie Burke: want to give you our money. Basically, we’d like to invest our money with you in a Baird slash Pottawatomie portfolio.

Gracie Kalichefski: I’ve only been there twice.

Daniel Slade: I think that should be arranged. However, I would direct you to our very talented financial advisors That work. I

Kameron Jones: need myself at this. It’s great firm

Richie Burke: All right

Kameron Jones: What a guy he’s

Daniel Slade: really

I am not speaking on behalf of, nor forbeared, and this, this cannot be used in association with anything related to Baird.

Kameron Jones: On record. Okay,

Richie Burke: you gotta, gotta clear by compliance. So for for all the listeners, how’s your love life right now? Are you are you are you in the game? Are you out of the game?

What do we what do we got going on? What’s the status?

Daniel Slade: Complicated complicated

Kameron Jones: Richie

Daniel Slade: you’re aware of many interesting facets of Of the love life, but this this weekend is the culmination, right? It’s luke You’re

Kameron Jones: going to luke holmes and nicki

Devin Wagner: minaj.

Kameron Jones: What what day are you going to luke holmes

Daniel Slade: both nights?

Kameron Jones: Okay, i’m gonna be pit on for tomorrow

Daniel Slade: I’ll be there tomorrow in the pit.

Kameron Jones: Oh Let’s go

Richie Burke: Who are you who are you going with on both nights?

Daniel Slade: So tomorrow night i’m taking summer and jordan And then Saturday night I’m taking Summer, Olivia, her boyfriend Tony, who is the GM of Club Brady.

Kameron Jones: You love your Club Brady.

Richie Burke: So, so at the airing of this episode in a couple weeks, you’re either going to be with Summer or back in the game. Win win situation.

Daniel Slade: I Airing him out. Characterization of the situation. I wrote you. All right. Daniel

Richie Burke: Daniel Slade, any closing comments before we get back to the episode? We really appreciate your time today.

Daniel Slade: Looking forward to hearing the episode

Richie Burke: coming, coming,

Kameron Jones: Slade. Do you have any questions for us? Bartenders? Do you

Richie Burke: have any questions for the bartenders right now?

Daniel Slade: I did. I was going to ask, and I apologize. I didn’t get this to you on time, but. How would, I mean, How would a bartender express interest in a customer in a way that the customer would understand that’s what it meant?

Kameron Jones: That’s a great question. No, that’s really hard.

Richie Burke: Slade, you are, you are on fire. I have an answer for that. People know you’re cleaning up that potto. So, you have a great job. You’ve got a hot date this weekend, but if it doesn’t work out, you’ve got the whole summer ahead of you, and you’re asking intelligent questions.

You’re coming across well here. Okay. What’s to answer his question, how does a bartender show interest in a customer?

Kameron Jones: Yeah, so, I mean, if you’re asked for, if someone asks for your number, obviously you’re either going to have a response, most likely it’s no but if they give you kind of like a oh, like, maybe come back in like, if somebody says like, come back in like five minutes, like I’ll tell you at the end of the night.

You have a higher chance than if they just say no, because then they want to talk to you again. But, at least for me, When I picked up my boyfriend from the bar, my now boyfriend, I offered, I kept offering to buy him shots throughout the night to be like, Oh, like, do you and your friends want like a round of shots or something?

Like if a bartender goes out of her way to offer you a round of shots or a free drink, I would say she’s probably flirting with you. Interesting. Okay.

Richie Burke: So what’s I like that.

All right Oh, I appreciate milwaukee uncut being more important than summer in this moment

Devin Wagner: I feel like I fell guilty though to like giving people my number even though I didn’t want to because I didn’t want it to Be awkward and like I’ve

Gracie Kalichefski: done it. I feel like That is like some people will do that like give the number and just because you want to get it out of the way Yeah, i’ve been lucky.

I don’t i’ve i’ve always told people i’d never given out my number and i’d try and like Really dial them. Yes Leave me alone

Devin Wagner: Or be like, I’ll be like, no, I’m okay. Or like, Oh, I have a boyfriend. Then someone goes, what’s his name? Blank. Blank. I blanked. I go, John? And they’re like, no, you don’t have a boyfriend.

I’m like, I don’t. But this is honestly more embarrassing for you than it is me. Yeah, you’re like, come on up. Bless you. Thank you. I’m like

Richie Burke: laughing. So if you guys are showing interest in a guy, you’re going to proactively offer free drinks. That’s a good sign. At least

Kameron Jones: that’s what I did the one time. Try to keep them there longer too.

Yeah, I’ll be like, Oh, like you do you need another drink or do you need something else? Yeah, always asking if you need more

Richie Burke: Yeah,

Gracie Kalichefski: I don’t do that

Richie Burke: Have you ever been interested in a guy who’s I don’t really know. Maybe that’s why. I don’t

Gracie Kalichefski: know. Maybe. I don’t think so. I don’t really know.

Richie Burke: Alright Daniel Slade, we know you’re a very in demand man over there at work.

We’ll let you get back to work on this Thursday afternoon. Turn your dang

Kameron Jones: phone off.

Richie Burke: What’s, what’s your, what’s your Instagram handle for all the fans out there?

Daniel Slade: A. I. underscore Cowboy underscore M. K. E. Yeah!

Richie Burke: A. I. Cowboy. Everyone

Kameron Jones: follow him.

Richie Burke: Great, great talking to you.

Kameron Jones: Bye, Slade.

Richie Burke: Bye, Slade. Bye. Make sure that, can you make sure that records?

Kameron Jones: Oh, it recorded.

Richie Burke: What a great surprise

Kameron Jones: I’m actually so happy. He answered

Richie Burke: me too. That was a good conversation. Yeah, Daniel Slade likely eligible bachelorettes

Gracie Kalichefski: I want to know who summer is. This is like I feel like I’m like in on their summer She

Richie Burke: bartends at Jack’s I Follow her on Instagram, even though I’ve ever never met her just just keeping tabs on Yeah, big fan of summer over there You hopefully it works out between the two, but if not do we want to go over any of these final drinks or move on to other topics?

Kameron Jones: I think we hit those drinks. Yeah, drinks were good.

Richie Burke: What about people who order a straight shot of vodka?

Kameron Jones: Oh, you’re scary. Goodbye.

Richie Burke: Alright, we’ll end on that note. Okay,

Kameron Jones: she said, okay. Don’t date. Simple enough.

Richie Burke: What is the most eye opening thing you’ve ever seen while bartending? No. No.

Devin Wagner: I would say, I feel like mine is like seeing all of like both guys and girls come in and they’ll be with someone new each weekend.

Like you’ll see them come in and you’re like, okay, like I’m trying to figure out the situation. I’m there every weekend. So I new TV show. Yes. It’s literally, I’m watching reality TV right in front of me. I’m like, Oh, like they have, they’re talking to them. They’re talking to them and I’m like, they’ll come up to me like, Oh my gosh, my girlfriend’s coming next weekend or my boyfriend’s coming next week.

And I’m like, wait a minute. Wait a minute. So it’s like, I feel like that’s very eyeopening. Like Oh, like, I just, like, the trust in people is a little bit went a little bit down after that.

Kameron Jones: Yeah, I’ve seen people that I know and people that I don’t know that I’ve seen in the bar, like, actively cheating on their significant other.

And I’ve tried to take the steps in letting these people know, but some people are just like, okay, whatever.

Devin Wagner: Well with that too, like if it’s someone you know, do you feel like, inclined to like, do I tell them? Or like, am I supposed to like, ruin that, like? So

Gracie Kalichefski: I, I am one that if like, well, I would say if they’re a close friend, especially like one of my close girlfriends, if I saw something I would definitely say something.

But it is like that fine line of like, is it your business? Like, not really, but.

Kameron Jones: I, I saw something Halloween weekend that I still think about all the time, and I try to take the steps. It wasn’t someone that I like, was really, really close with, but other people I was really close with directly knew that person.

And it’s still like not really it’s kind of it was like beat around the bush with the whole situation and I think about it Literally every single day i’m like driving to work or school and i’m like, oh, yeah, I remember that one thing that happened Yeah, you should still tell that person but whatever

Gracie Kalichefski: It’s sad

I would be so sad if someone told me that I don’t know what I would be like that sucks I don’t know.

I mean the person knows but it was just kind of like

Kameron Jones: Brushed under the rug like it didn’t really matter

Devin Wagner: Yeah, I think a lot of times too, like, people don’t realize, like, okay, they’re obviously drunk and they don’t realize that we’re mostly It’s always an excuse. It’s, yeah, there’s an excuse and we’re mostly, like, we’re not completely sober.

We’re like, we’re mostly sober throughout the night, like, we’re aware of what’s going on and, like, when we’re not serving, we’re observing. So it’s like, I am watching everyone, what’s everyone doing, because what else am I supposed to do if I’m not serving and drinking? That’s, like,

Gracie Kalichefski: probably one of my favorite parts of the job, is just, like, watching all the people and, like, There’s just like you could sit for two minutes and you see like a hundred different types of people like and like what they do And who they’re with and it’s like I like makeup stories about like who is that guy?

Richie Burke: I want to talk about money. What is the what is the largest tip you have ever received?

Devin Wagner: Like individually or like our tip out at the end of the

Richie Burke: individually Let’s start there.

Gracie Kalichefski: I one time So red rock’s partner bar is mcgillicuddy’s and I I was thinking about this on my drive here I can’t remember like why?

I had to go it was on a thursday night and they were really busy at mcgillicuddy’s they must have had like a I want to say it was like a welcome back or like a send off senior send off something Or like their thursday was promoted and red rock was like the following week And so they were super busy.

So I went there to like help out because like we’re there And I was working and there was a guy who tipped me 600 in 100 bills. And it was crazy, like not at once, but I would notice he would like order for him and his five Marquette people he was with or whatever it was and then Underneath the receipt would be a hundred dollar bill.

I’m like, that’s crazy. So I would keep like, okay I’m gonna like go to him first Whatever you want, sure, literally anything you want, I will give it to you immediately And then I like just kept saying, I’m like, and then it would be like a fifty and then another fifty and like I I could be wrong, but it was like Almost like six hundred dollars and I was like that is crazy Like never see that but I would say biggest like at once usually it’s like a hundred not like that That’s very common.

Yeah, but I would say like when i’m like, oh, that’s like a really good tip I feel like it’s around like a hundred and it’s usually like very rare. But yeah, I am

Richie Burke: hitting on you at all No, no, that’s awesome. What a great customer. I’m

Gracie Kalichefski: like, I like this guy. He was like, I don’t know He was probably like The mid 40s early that’s the thing is like for me The, I think his son or someone was like graduating.

I don’t know. It was like, he was like there with like his son or someone he knew and their friends. So it was awesome.

Kameron Jones: Yeah. And then they were like throwing money into, I was like, I’ll take it. For me, I think the highest I ever got was two 50 like myself. But it was the same, like two guys that always came in.

They were just like friends with all the bartenders. And for me, the highest tips, that I ever got was never anyone flirting with me. It was always just like friends or like people who actually care and like, want to help out bartenders cause they understand that we make all of our money from tips and we don’t like rely on a wage.

But then at RWB, the highest tip that anyone ever got was a thousand dollars and it was a mom. And like all the bartenders had been serving the skies tab like all night, but. We, they did give her the offer. Like you can keep this tip like to yourself. And like, she was a single mom, like had a daughter and we all were like, like you should keep that.

And she decided to split it like evenly between all the bartenders. And she was like an angel for doing that. But that, and a thousand dollar tip. I would fall on the floor the rest of the day. I would just cry. Yeah, that’s crazy.

Richie Burke: Dev, what have you seen?

Kameron Jones: For

Devin Wagner: love and

Kameron Jones: a

Devin Wagner: thousand dollars. I’d say like the biggest tip I’ve gotten like individually was probably around like 200.

There was like this couple that was coming in. He would work in Milwaukee and like travel around with his wife. And they would come in like once every like three months. So it was like random when I saw them. And we’ve gotten to know each other since they’d come in during my shifts. And then they’re like, Oh, you’re graduating this May?

Like, yeah, I’m finally graduating, like getting into grad school, everything. He was like, well, here’s your graduation present and like that was like, oh, that’s so sweet Yeah, there’s like but it’s never the people like when you said like it’s not the people that are hitting on you that are giving The big tips.

It’s like your friends the people that have been there the regulars. Yes,

Kameron Jones: or like around like christmas There was someone who gave me a hundred dollar tip just around holidays Like you’ll get no tips and then you’ll get the one person who will tip you like 75 to 100

Devin Wagner: Or if people are just super hyped up like the box tournament and all that stuff that gets people going and like they’re like They don’t care.


Richie Burke: What’s the, what’s the most you guys have made in a day?

Kameron Jones: For me it was Shamrock Shuffle 2023. I worked from bar 10, like the bar was open from 10 a. m. to 3 a. m. And I made, I walked out with 986. That’s crazy. But it was that 13 hours, an hour shift. Yeah. I would say it would have to be like, Night, I’m so sorry.

Is it Daniel Slade? No, it’s my boyfriend. Is it Daniel

Richie Burke: Slade? Deny.

Gracie Kalichefski: I would say Kind of the same. I don’t know if it was like 900 I can’t really i’m the worst that when it comes to like how much I made in a weekend Like I have no clue. I really need to like write it down Like I’ll like go to the bank like the next week, but I never like keep track of it But I would say probably like shamrock shuffle is like and if especially if you work like open to close That’s a lot of money.

Yeah So I would say probably around there. I don’t know, maybe like 800, 700. I don’t know exactly, but I can ask him what, but it would be like around the same ish.

Devin Wagner: Yeah, mine was more towards like the Bucks tournament, like weekend. Like that was like a huge deal when they like finally won the championships and stuff, but I didn’t work a double, thank God.

It was just like I would say like it was super busy. So I was there still like three to close, but like not the typical like 11 to close, like when we’re open. I think it was around like six to seven hundred dollars from that one. But I think the biggest thing was like at the night, like when they actually won the championship, we had like a regular with like wads of like single dollar bills.

He just threw it up like confetti and everyone’s just like cheering. I’m like over there.

He’s like picking up all the ones. I’m like, I’m not even embarrassed. Like you guys are here celebrating. I’m here working.

Richie Burke: You want to bring the boyfriend on the podcast?

Kameron Jones: I can ask him if he has a question.

Richie Burke: You can ask him if he has a question. Let’s see. We already brought Daniel Slade on. Then we’ll get into some rapid fire questions.

Kameron Jones: Henry would not be on the podcast. What’s his name? Jackson.

Richie Burke: Jackson? Yeah. Like a full Jackson or a Jack?

Kameron Jones: No one calls him Jack. Hey, do you, do you have a question for bartenders? No. Hey my girlfriend, why would I have a question for you?

Richie Burke: Can I

Kameron Jones: kiss right now? Have fun. Well, he’s boring, so.

Richie Burke: Unlike Daniel Slade, AI Cowboy MKE, any ladies listening, look him up. Alright. Now Jackson, he is boring and taken.

Kameron Jones: Okay, he’s not boring, I wasn’t being mean.

He actually is really fun. Yes, he’s a very fun guy. He’s

Richie Burke: really fun, not on a podcast, and he is taken. And he is a hockey player, and he’s an athlete. Don’t look at him.

Kameron Jones: Yeah, be careful Yeah, if I was a

Richie Burke: girl I would not mess with cam

Devin Wagner: We don’t do that. Okay I choose not to

Richie Burke: All right. We’ll go into some quick questions here.

This one’s for devon. Who is the og devon at the harp?

Devin Wagner: Oh the og devon at the harp.

Richie Burke: Yeah

Devin Wagner: Hmm What do you mean by that?

Richie Burke: He works for Pat Connaughton now. Oh, Devin Granger!

Devin Wagner: Devin Granger! I’m a big fan of the show, Devin Granger. I’m thinking, I thought you meant myself, like, who’s the OG Devin? You’re like, who’s this guy?

I’m Devin, I mean, like, I’m right here. Let me tell you. No, actually, that’s funny, because Devin Granger, when I first went to The Hart, my first ever drink, we’re all wearing masks, too, that’s the thing, it was after COVID. And I went up to the bar, I’m like, oh, who’s this cute bartender? I was young, and I was like, who’s this cute bartender?

And I’m like He’s like, my name’s Devin. I’m like, my name’s Devin. Like, no way. He’s like, yeah, Devin was a

Richie Burke: bartender. Yeah. He was a bartender. I thought, I knew he just was a frequent visitor and may still be, but I, he comes once a while now,

Devin Wagner: but y’all know we work together. And so, well, so he first started as a bartender.

I ordered my drink. I’m like, oh my gosh, he’s so cute. And I would always try and talk to him. And then I got hired. I’m like, oh my gosh, I don’t work with this kid. Like, oh geez. So like I was working with him and it was fine. And we just became like super close friends. And now. Him and his, all of his little posse comes in and we all hang out and they’re all good people.

But yeah.

Richie Burke: Did anything ever happen between Devin and Devin?

Devin Wagner: Oh no, strictly just friends. I was always just like, it was the first time in Milwaukee. He’s a good looking

Richie Burke: guy.

Devin Wagner: He is, he is. It was my first time at Milwaukee, first time bar, first bartender I saw. And I was like, and it was at the Harp at Tiki in the summer.

It was like. Just fell in love. Oh, yeah,

Richie Burke: he’s got some game too. I’ve seen him in action at the heart before. We actually

Devin Wagner: play kickball together. We

Richie Burke: have

Devin Wagner: like a heart kickball team and me it’s me dev dev and like kelly kramer and all of us we play like Kickball in the fall on the heart team. But yeah No, just dev and granger

Richie Burke: three leaf partners All around good guy

Devin Wagner: Yeah,

Richie Burke: this is a good one.

I know some guys who fall into this camp Is it annoying if a guy’s if a guy is pursuing you and keeps showing up while you’re on shift?

Gracie Kalichefski: Yes

Richie Burke: What if you like just started dating him and you’re interested in him Is it nice or is it like a turn off if you just if you guys so

Kameron Jones: if you’re like not boyfriend girlfriend You’re seeing each other

Richie Burke: seeing each other talking okay maybe you’ve hooked up a couple times or you’re talking

Kameron Jones: maybe like once in a while but not every single day yeah I think it really depends on the person like if you really like the person I mean like my boyfriend and his friends come in all the time and like obviously I’m like that’s so awesome but if it was someone who I didn’t want to see or like someone I was like not Interested in I would definitely be like that’s I feel like I’ve had too many people Yeah, come in all the time and it’s actually kind of scary and I’m like, please leave me alone I feel like once you it’s like your boyfriend or your girlfriend coming in to see you.

That’s different You better be in there every single night like you better But if you’re not at that point, then I think it’s

Devin Wagner: I feel like also you kind of like read the room. Yes, yeah, I agree. Especially like how she reacts when you first walk in. If she’s not like, oh my gosh, hi. Like, hi! Excited, yeah.

She’s kind of just like, oh. What

Kameron Jones: do you want? And if she doesn’t come up to you as soon as she possibly can. They don’t want to see you. I hate to break it to you, but she does not like you.

Gracie Kalichefski: Too many times do people just come in and I’m like, Oh,

Kameron Jones: yeah, or like we, I mean, I would have the customers that I knew how they would act and they would come up to me still every weekend and I’d be like, Oh, I don’t want to serve you.

Richie Burke: But on a more positive note, what is your favorite bar in Milwaukee that you do not work at?

Kameron Jones: Oh, I was about to say Red Rock.

I really like. I like camp in the third ward. I’ve recently started going there a lot and it’s really chill and I can just like sit there. It’s a nice

Richie Burke: adult bar. You’re really growing up wicked hot from camp. I know. I’m proud of you. I’ve

Kameron Jones: had enough of the third ward. I don’t even know you and I’m proud of you.

Thank you. But I do really like Water Street Brewery because it, it still, it has that little like dance floor, really good music, but also a ton of places to sit. I can play pool. I can play Jing. I can play cards. I can do a lot.

Devin Wagner: No, I 100 percent agree. I think mine’s the brewery too. I feel like their food’s good too.

Yes, they have good food. Mine

Gracie Kalichefski: is the Tiki Bar in the Public Market. I could park myself there for hours. The entire day me and my two friends go there almost every week and I never want to leave I love the tiki bar. It’s my favorite place. Yep

Richie Burke: It’s

Devin Wagner: brand would you say like even in the winter like that’s oh, I

Gracie Kalichefski: I mean the last like month.

I probably no two months I would say I’ve been there like probably like six times. Yeah, we brought our whole friend group out there and we all were there for like an hour and a half. Her and I, I mean, I think like every day I’m almost texting her like, so. Tiki’s open. The only, the only problem is their drinks are really expensive, but that’s okay.

I just have to make good friends with someone that works for her. But in the summer, I would say like. Or

Richie Burke: Daniel Slade.

Kameron Jones: Yeah. The summer is definitely better and I go to Harp a lot. I don’t go to Water Street Brewery that much. Cheers. Daniel Slade has sponsored some of my drinking nights with my boyfriend and his friends.

Richie Burke: Giving back to the youth of Milwaukee.

Kameron Jones: Especially at Jacks, he’ll just walk over, give me a little hundred and we’ll just buy a round of shots or drinks or anything. Thanks Slade. I would put that in my bank account.

Richie Burke: The greatest tip you ever got was not while you were bartending. It was just Daniel Slade.

Yes. On the streets of Milwaukee. He’s great. He

Kameron Jones: likes to give back.

Richie Burke: He is great.

Kameron Jones: Making the community a better place.

Richie Burke: Ben Anderson He had the viral video of his Joe Katz still the best the upstairs at Joe Katz still the best place to meet women By the way before we get into his first question, where do you guys think is the best place to meet women in milwaukee?

Devin Wagner: not Joe Katz

Richie Burke: Really?

Devin Wagner: I wouldn’t say brady street in general, but that’s just me

Gracie Kalichefski: I would say, I’m gonna sound like a biased piece of shit, but I would say, like, if Water Street, I would say Red Rock, Harp.

Richie Burke: To add context, Ben is early 30s, but still has a good hairline and can dance a little bit. Okay. Can dance pretty well, actually.


Kameron Jones: not Joe Katz. Not, no. No, no, no, no, don’t do that.

Devin Wagner: No! I don’t understand the hype around it, but.

Richie Burke: Okay okay. So for ben anderson early 30s solid hairline good at dancing. Good job someone in shape. I would say where are we going?

Gracie Kalichefski: Red Rock, Harp, Water Street Brewery, probably not Trinity. Do not know.

Richie Burke: So he’s not going to be too old for Red Rock? No,

Kameron Jones: no, no, absolutely not.

Gracie Kalichefski: Okay I would say Harp and Red Rock are roughly the same crowd. Like, yeah. Age wise. I will say, I will say because Red Rock is a little bit bigger, like on the inside, it does have more college kids and it like, is more of like a lot of our staff too is college kids.

Yeah. We have like a couple that have been there for a long time. Yeah. Aren’t in college, but I would say it’s but he’s not out of place No, definitely not either camps either the camp on third street or the camp in camp is a really good one

Devin Wagner: I think it’s always good to go to a place that kind of has like darts or like some type of yeah You can place like while you’re flirting Because I know I know at

Kameron Jones: camp on third street most of the time they like only let people in who are over 25

Richie Burke: And there’s good looking women there for ben.

Kameron Jones: Yeah Ben, go ahead. Go crazy.

Richie Burke: We like to hear that.

Gracie Kalichefski: Hit the streets running. We could do a 30 plus dating show.

Richie Burke: I don’t know if Ben’s going for 30 plus. He’s, he just falls in that bracket. Okay. Maybe he is. I think he’s open. I think he’s open to options. Any closing thoughts from anyone?

Kameron Jones: I don’t think so.

Just make sure that you tip your bartenders because they rely on tip money. They don’t get paid from wages, barely ever, and be nice. You Please be nice to your bartenders because you’ll get served faster They appreciate it and you’ll probably make their night.

Richie Burke: Hey everyone Thank you for listening to milwaukee uncut bartenders uncut edition If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe write our view and share with your friends that helps the show Also check us out on instagram and youtube for any clips both linked in the show notes Milwaukee uncut is produced by story mark studios in partnership with OnMilwaukee and presented by Nicolet Law and Central Standard Distillery

Pat Connaughton & Joe Stanton: Untold Stories from the 21′ NBA Finals

Pat Connaughton & Joe Stanton: Untold Stories from the 21′ NBA Finals

What happens the night and days after winning an NBA title? How do you get the Larry O’Brien trophy through TSA? What’s it like to party with Bill Clinton at Marc Lasry’s place in the Hamptons?

What happens the night and days after winning an NBA title? 
How do you get the Larry O’Brien trophy through TSA? 
What’s it like to party with Bill Clinton at Marc Lasry’s place in the Hamptons? 

Those are some of the topics on this episode from the vault with Milwaukee Buck Pat Connaughton and his childhood best friend/business parter at Three Leaf Partners Joe Stanton. 

For clips follow Milwaukee Uncut on Instagram:

For video episode subscribe on YouTube:

For the full episodes with Pat and Joe from 2022: 

Part 1:

Part 2:


Richie Burke: Hey everyone. It’s your host, Richie Burke, and we’re going to do something a little different on this episode. Pat Connaughton and his childhood best friend and current business partner over at three leaf and my good friend, Joe Stanton came on the show. It was a two part episode back in 2022. They told some great stories from the 21 finals, including what happened the night and days after defeating the sons, trying to fly commercially with the Larry O’Brien trophy and getting it through security as well as partying with Bill Clinton.

At Mark Lasry’s place in the Hamptons since we’ve got a lot of new listeners over the past couple of years who have never heard These stories and because the bucks are in the playoffs right now I thought it would be timely to take those stories and piece together a little episode if you want to listen to the full episodes Those are linked in the show notes As well also shout out to joe who had a baby girl recently with his beautiful wife erin and also bought A house so he’s no longer in the apartment that he mentioned in the episode Just just a guy winning out life right now Joe stanton and good luck to pc and the rest of the guys against indiana And in the playoffs the rest of the way we’re pulling for you Also, just a reminder that milwaukee uncut is produced by story mark studios in partnership with on milwaukee and presented by nicolet law the midwest’s law firm and central Central Standard Distillery.

If you are enjoying some drinks, we recommend Central Standard Distillery. Go Bucks and let’s dive in with Pat and Joe.

All right. Let’s let’s go to the championship. What was, what was that like? That moment?

Pat Connaughton: It was incredible. I mean, I think the coolest part about the championship that you don’t see.

From the outside is the journey of the championship, right? It’s, it’s not like the super bowl. It’s it’s, it’s a seven game series. It’s there’s ups, there’s downs. Obviously we made it. very difficult on ourselves throughout the entire playoffs by going down 0 2 to Brooklyn, going down 0 1 to Atlanta, going down 0 2 to Phoenix.

So we didn’t make it easy for ourselves. But I think the cool part about it was that, was that we were able to get over the hump, was that we were able to come together through the face of adversity win it at home. And, you know, when the confetti starts falling, you know, you know you won it. But you’re so into it like that brooklyn series felt like it was a month and a half it was two weeks Each series was roughly two weeks so when you End that final game six.

You’re almost like who do we have next? Like who’s not like you’re just so ingrained in it And to finally kind of get to that mountaintop to finally like do it and again shared experiences, right? I mean almost the exact same group from the dunk contest was at the game six You know, joe was there our buddy Joe curbs were there crotty was there my parents were there like we almost had the exact same group so to have them be able to come down on the floor afterwards to have them be able to you know joe still got the confetti.

He sleeps with it every single night And under his pillow, like he’s, he’s, he’s cherishing the moments as much as I am. And that’s what’s fun about it. And my mom to see her, you know, my dad had a great line. Like you take a picture with a trophy at the end of the at the end of the game, like later on a few few minutes, hours after media, all that sort of stuff.

And so I gave my mom the trophy to hold. And she was on cloud nine and my dad’s immediate comment was like, don’t drop it too. And so like, she gets really nervous, but she’s happy at the same time. So to see those facial reactions from the people that have been there since day one and to have them be able to share in those experiences, it’s really what makes it.

I mean, obviously I want to have success. I want to continue to work hard. I have all these other things that I, you know, can get better at and want to accomplish, but to have them be a part of it along the way, I think puts it in perspective.

Joe Stanton: Really quick. I just like to interject. I want to upkeep the image a little bit.

I do not sleep with a confetti under the pillow, but I did take confetti from, I mean, you have to, I mean, where is the confetti? Yeah. Where is it? It’s, it’s in my apartment somewhere. I can’t reveal, I can’t reveal. No, not under the pillow, but I can’t reveal the location. I mean, this is going to be broadcast to the public. I don’t want anyone breaking into my apartment and stealing it.

Richie Burke: What was that first night like after winning? What was the party like? Where did

Pat Connaughton: that go on to? It was a blast. I mean, you have such memorable moments. I think the Bobby Portis and I interview was hilarious that went viral. You got dinner afterwards.

We did it at Harbor House. It was just a team. It was really fun. Families were included. I don’t even know where we went afterwards. I know we were up until like seven in the morning. I know that next day it was kind of a blur. I think Joe, myself, our buddy, Karp, and Joe’s wife, Erin went to red, white, and blue to blue Joe’s favorite spot.

Joe Stanton: No, we went to a blue bat, Taqueria, which was for

Pat Connaughton: a little late, late lunch. Honestly, it was just like, we just sat on the deck outside. We just won a championship the next day. You see the four of us just sitting on the deck. And it’s just kind of like you basking in it, right? You’re just kind of, wait, was that real?

Let’s talk about it or discussions or people walk by kind of give you a double glance. Like, wait a minute, is that? Yeah, there was a few, I was going to say there was

Joe Stanton: a few lucky people who happened to be getting lunch at 2. 45 when we were there at Blue Bat who were like, God, is that, is that Pat? They just won the championship like last night.

I got to go up, I got to get a picture. I got to tell him congrats. So we had a lot of that at lunch, which was pretty funny. But yeah, like you said, I mean, the party was, was crazy. And for me as like, you know, from a fan’s perspective, And from, you know, being his friend we obviously, like he said, had a good crew there and, you know, just the whole celebration was surreal.

I mean, we went from, you know, being there at the game, which is obviously the coolest part, but then it just kept getting, you know, better and better. I mean, they were like, Oh yeah, you guys can come down to the floor and celebrate with the team. And. So we went down and did that and the confetti is falling.

I’m scooping up confetti and fill up my pockets as we’ve already discussed. We’re going to get so many messages for confetti sales

Richie Burke: after this podcast. I know, I know.

Pat Connaughton: I’m telling you, the confetti is going to be an underrated thing. There’s only a finite amount of the pieces of, there’s only two nets.

There’s only. What else can you sell? There’s only so many sneakers that were worn in that final game. Exactly. Confetti has more supply,

Joe Stanton: but so we, so we did all that and then, you know, we were, they’re like, all right. Yeah. You know, after the celebration on the floor, Hey, we can go back to, you know, go back to the locker room.

And so, so we celebrate in the locker room and then we went down and, and got to, yeah.

Pat Connaughton: You guys were in the locker room. I didn’t even make it back to the locker room. Yeah, we actually made it. I got

Joe Stanton: pulled to media and they’re in the locker room media. We, by Pat’s locker in the locker room. He wasn’t even there.

But that’s in my honor. Yeah, no worries. And then we, we ended up going down further down the hall, took pictures with the trophy. And I mean, just like you said, went out to dinner after up until six or seven in the morning. I mean, it was. It was the night. Obviously we’ll never forget.

Pat Connaughton: It was really, really tell them about the parade though.

Like that’s where we had probably our most fun aside from winning like the parade. We just, we did our own thing.

Joe Stanton: That was probably the cherry on top. And then they, they say, yeah, you know, the, the friends and family are going to be able to to come on the float or come on the bus with the guys. And we were like, Oh my gosh, we get, we get there day of the parade.

We jump on the bus, we get a prime spot right in front, double decker bus. And we’re riding through the street. Obviously there’s hundreds of thousands of people there. And early on the parade route, like right before it started, someone tossed up a football and they’re like, we want to toss back. I’m like, no, no, keep it, keep it.

And we were like, all right, sweet. This is actually perfect. So we gave, gave the football to PC and throughout the entire parade route, we were, he was just throwing dimes to people in the crowd and they were catching them and throwing it back. And it was, it was a good back and forth with the and then what, what did it turn into?

Yeah. Then it turned into people like, Hey, well, you saw my Jersey and I’m standing like just behind Pat and I’m just calling for everything. Throw it all. Like, so people are throwing up jerseys, catching them. That’s got a Sharpie. He’s signing it quick. And then I’m balling it back up and throwing it to the person.

It was actually a lot of pressure. You got to remember who’s moving the Jersey and it’s moving, moving.

Pat Connaughton: I don’t get the shortest last name. I mean, I don’t get the longest last name on the team, which is obvious, but I don’t get the shortest one either.

Joe Stanton: Right. It’s tough and then you don’t wanna throw it to the wrong person or, you know, have a fight ensue in the cre.

So, but no, all lot to worry about. I know it’s high pressure.

Richie Burke: I think I think Noah trainer at F45, I don’t know if you know him or not, but he was one of the crazy guys who took his jersey off and threw it at you and you signed it. Was it successful?

Pat Connaughton: Yeah. A hundred percent. And then look, we had multiple things going, like Joe might’ve started it.

Our other buddy, Joe was on the other side doing the exact same thing. My dad was on the other side that got a few thrown at him. So we kind of had like a few different, what I would call storefronts going on every side of the thing.

Joe Stanton: Oh, for sure.

Richie Burke: Joe, if you wanna talk about partying with Bill Clinton or transporting the Larry O’Brien Trophy from Milwaukee to PC’s House for sure.

Yeah. On the East Coast last minute.

Joe Stanton: Yep. Oh God. Yeah. I got got a couple good stories on that. So, back to the yeah, the championship celebration. So we got invited. I say we, pat got invited and I was, was fortunate enough to be invited by him to to the Lazarus.

Pat Connaughton: That’s, that’s nice of you to say. I, I thought even on the blue bat thing, you were gonna say how people were really like.

Is that, that Joe Stanton? Can I get a picture with Joe?

Joe Stanton: My rep’s not that big in Milwaukee yet. I’m hoping maybe one day. But. You’re going to,

Richie Burke: you’re going to be the E of Milwaukee after this podcast. He was pretty prolific figure on Entourage. Yeah, true,

Joe Stanton: true. I guess I’d take that. So, confetti man. So yeah, so we, we get invited to this party at Lazarus.

So he’s got this mansion right on the water and we show up to the party and. We walk in again, keep in mind, I keep hitting on two kids from Arlington. We walk in and we see two Ferraris parked on the front lawn. So I was kind of you know, the first alarm going off in my head, like, Jesus, like, where, where are we?

This is bananas. So we walked in. And as a

Pat Connaughton: real estate guy, Joe’s very concerned, like. The lawn, like, what are we doing? Like, there’s not a cost to fix the lawn. Come on now. We got to, we create

Richie Burke: value. Maybe as much as one of the tires. Yeah,

Joe Stanton: exactly. So, so we walk in and see that it’s crazy. I mean, the house is beautiful.

We’re walking around the backyard. He’s got this whole, you know, catered thing put together and the trophies there to just sitting there, you know, on its own table with a bunch of championship hats around it. People were going up, taking pictures. It was probably, I don’t know, just like 75 people or so there, but The craziest thing as I was walking around the party, kind of exploring the the backyard and just taking it all in those with my wife was there too.

We were walking around and we were just like, I keep noticing like these security guys, like, and there were rumors,

Pat Connaughton: there were rumors. Peter had rumors, some rumors, some high profile

Joe Stanton: people. So when we walk in, Adam Silver was there. Obviously, you know, Pat’s there. Bobby Portis was there. Coach Bud was there.

So there’s, there’s definitely some high profile people there. But. The security seemed like at the time when I’m walking around, seemed like such overkill. We get guys with ear pieces everywhere, walking all over the party. They’re wearing these like

Pat Connaughton: nice suit coats. And mind you, this is a guy coming from the NBA dunk contest where he had two security guys driving around.

So I know some experience. Yeah, exactly.

Joe Stanton: So I’m just very impressed with with this whole operation. I get with his security guys coming out of the bushes. I mean, there’s guys out, you know, there’s guys, there’s multi boats off of the Off of the coast, just like sitting out there, like watching the party.

And I’m like, wow, this is like crazy. Like what? I don’t understand this, but anyway, so we, the night keeps going on. And then I’m talking at a table, eating some hors d’oeuvres with my wife. And all of a sudden she’s facing the other way and I’m looking right at her. Jaw just drops. And I’m like, what? And she was like, like, turn around and look.

And I turned around and president Bill Clinton was just showed up at the party and people like, they were pretty good about it. They didn’t swarm them. Like, but anyway, he’s long story short, he’s boys with Mark Lasry and Mark had invited him to the championship party. So naturally being, you know, the fan boy that I always am.

I’m like, all right, I’ll, I’ll try to play it cool for right now, but I do eventually want to go over and chat with Bill and get my picture. So fair enough. We had Pat had already met him before, but we went over, that’s a whole

Pat Connaughton: nother story.

Joe Stanton: Yeah. A whole other, yeah, that is actually a funny story too.

But I guess we can, we can touch on that while we’re on the subject. So Pat had met him before at a game in Brooklyn, the Barclays center,

Pat Connaughton: Mark and him are close. So like, They would go back a long time. And so Mark will bring him to the Barclays Center from time to time. And this was my first year in Milwaukee.

And so I didn’t know he was coming. I mean, I, you see him courtside, right? But I didn’t know he was coming before. And so he’s at the game or whatever. And just before I have a great relationship with Mark, it’s probably my. second month on the team. It wasn’t that far into the regular season. And so after the game, I have my routine, you know, I, I do a little workout and ab circuit get stretched, do some PT ice the knees.

And then I jump in the shower and I get ready. And I usually, I come out and say hi to people. Like I got a bunch of friends from Brooklyn Notre Notre Dame connections. I got a bunch of people that come from Boston. It’s not that far of a drive. Right. So I jumped in the shower pretty quickly and I come out of the shower and I’m standing there in a towel and Mark goes to me, Hey, you want to be president Clinton?

And I’m like, Yeah, absolutely. He goes, all right, well, he’s about to leave, so you got to do it right now. And I’m like, what do you mean? And I turned to my right and he’s standing there talking to Giannis. So Mark grabs him and pulls him over and he was like, President, he introduces me. I’m standing there in a towel.

I got nothing else on. And I’m like, Mr. President, how are you? And I’m like shaking his hand. This is obviously before I had a broken one and I’m shaking his hand and then Mark was like, let’s get a photo. Like, let’s get a picture of you guys. And I’m like, I would love it. Do you think I should put some clothes on first?

And he’s like, look, he’s got to go get a shirt. So someone threw me my shirt, which was just this white shirt. So I’m in a white towel, white shirt. And I’m standing there and there’s a picture of me shaking the president’s hand. We’re both looking at the camera and all I’m in is a towel. Now, granted, way better than not having a shirt on as well, but.

It’s a hilarious photo because when you look at it right away, you see a shirt on me. So you don’t really think a whole lot of it, but then like you look at the photo and you’re like, are you in a, are you in a towel shaking president Clinton’s hand? When he sent it to me, I had that exact right. I was like, wait a minute.

Like what, what is going on here? So, so anyway, so I’ve met him and he’s come. to Milwaukee once or twice. I think he’s been in Brooklyn almost at each game that we’re in Brooklyn. And so I’ve met him a few times. And so at the party, I’ll let Joe finish story about the party, you know, Mark’s big thing, like Bobby had talked to him both from Arkansas, right?

So they were hitting it off there. And Mark wanted me to come over and meet him because I’m sure part of his reason for going is to be able to see some of the players because he’s a basketball fan, et cetera. So I had, I didn’t see Joe and Aaron. I didn’t pass by the table that they were standing out with Aaron’s.

Jaw on the grass. But I was over there like kind of shaking hands and I see them kind of like making their way over which was perfectly played by Joe.

Joe Stanton: Yeah. So perfect timing. So we kind of walk out move. Yeah. We walk up all this first rodeo, all of us together and just got them at the perfect time and we went right up and just went right in.

And I forget it, honestly, I think I blacked out when I was meeting them, I, before leading up to it, I’m like, what the hell am I going to say to this guy? Like, obviously he’s way, way older than. You know, so much smarter than me. So what, what am I possibly going to say? So I went up, just shook his hand, said, you know, it was an honor to meet him.

And then basically I think I asked him a question about the Bucks. No, you threw

Pat Connaughton: me under the bus for some reason, right? You said, Oh, if you had made some more shots, maybe it wouldn’t have been as close.

Joe Stanton: It was something to do with the Bucks and PC. So we got to, We got him to laugh and joke, warm him up.

Richie Burke: Exactly. This guy knows what he’s doing. We got somebody

Pat Connaughton: ripping photos. Like, I don’t know who it was. I don’t. Oh, it’s who Ryan Hoover greatest guy ever ripping photos. So he sends me all the photos afterwards. And we took like a real photo of him as well, which Joe knew or whatnot. And we had who’ve do it.

But the funniest photos are the ones where Joe’s in the midst of conversation with him, because he’s like, As he’s talking and President Clinton’s like actually talking to him. And then there’s one candidate of all of us laughing and it’s just really, it’s priceless.

Joe Stanton: Yeah. So it was a, it was a wild, wild story that definitely that was probably one of the best things from the, the championship run, maybe aside from the, the trip with the Larry o

Richie Burke: Yeah.

Can, can you touch on that quick? When you needed the trophy to celebrate with your family at home? You get it for a couple days and it’s in Milwaukee and you’re not there.

Pat Connaughton: Yeah, for sure.

Richie Burke: So, I mean,

Pat Connaughton: short, it’s a short off season, right? So. It’s not like the Stanley Cup, you know, I got a good buddy who I worked out with Connor Sherry back home who won it with the Penguins, but I don’t want it twice.

Actually, everyone gets a few days with a cup or a week with a cup. That’s not really how the NBA trophy works, but you can, like, take you can ask for it. Like, it’s just kind of like an unwritten thing. Like, if you want it, if you want to take it home, whatever you can do it both in short and off season, it’s a little bit harder to coordinate.

And so, yeah. Granted, you guys just heard all of the things we’ve done, and that’s in the span of like a week after the finals, right? We also took a trip to Florida to take some time out. We did a bunch of stuff, but point being, we want, or I wanted at some point to bring the trophy home. Like, I wanted it to be the place where I learned how to play basketball at Fidelity House.

I thought it’d be really cool to bring it there. Like, all the people and places that kind of helped me get here. One of the things I always say, and I have a chain that says family over everything, but that’s not just blood relatives, right? Like, family is, for me, family. anybody who I consider to be family.

And so I know I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for those people and places that helped get me here. So to be able, again, shared experience and bring that Larry O’Brien trophy back, I know all those people will, their jaws will be on the floor with Aaron, right? So for me I want to try to coordinate it.

And so we finally got a way to coordinate it on Labor Day weekend. Problem is I’m already home. And so I was talking to the trophy coordinator with the box on like how to get it done. And the big thing is they don’t just want to ship the Larry O’Brien trophy, right? Like they don’t, they don’t necessarily want it in other people’s hands to just kind of go about in a perfect world.

They send somebody with it. In this instance, the person that they had been sending with the trophy had been doing it for like a month and a half because we had one in July, mid of July, and now it’s September. So they were going to take a few days off. Also Joe’s got to know people within the Bucks organization very well.

And so I kind of just gave them the idea, Hey, if, if need be, like Joe’s there, he’s going to be coming home anyway for the weekend. Like, I don’t know the protocol, but if you guys are comfortable with it, like, I’m sure he’d be up for it. So I called him and asked and he goes, sure. What does that even mean?


Joe Stanton: essentially I get the call on like a little side story on that too. I get the call. I mean, it’s, I don’t know, probably Tuesday, like the, before Labor Day weekend. Yeah. And I’m like working and I just get a random call, like middle of the afternoon. And he’s like, Hey would you be comfortable bringing the Larry O’Brien trophy home to Massachusetts?

Like you got to travel with it. But I was like, I was like, what? Like, I think you’re breaking up. I don’t know what, like, what are you, what are you saying? And so he asked me and I was like, I mean, obviously, of course I said yes. And I mean, the story from there is just, was so absurd. We basically coordinate going to pick it up.

And then I had to coordinate with the Bucks on. Purchasing an actual seat for the trophy. So under Larry O’Brien’s name. So we get we get the tickets purchased and you know, I show up to the airport super early, I get to get it privately screened like by TSA and the guys like, didn’t believe me when I first said like, I’m traveling.

It’s in this like massive, like a hundred pound like bulletproof case. Like

Pat Connaughton: Yeah. And fire resistant eight locks on it. Yeah. Padlocks on it. This is gonna sound horrible. It looks like it’s a bomb. It looks like it’s a massive bomb. Like, Joe looks like he’s wheeling around a bomb in the middle of the airport.

Like, that just is what it is. Like, we didn’t say that to anybody, obviously, especially not in the airport, but that’s kind of what it looks like. And so, handling the protocol for him was hilarious. Because of that exact thing,

Joe Stanton: yeah, the amount of dirty looks I was getting. And so anyway, we get to the airport and I’m like, yeah, I got like the NBA championship trophy in this case.

Like I’m trying to whisper it to the guy, like, Hey, we got to get this, you know, can I get this privately screened? I don’t want to whip out the Larry O’Brien and the, in the in the security line. So they’re like, yeah, for sure. So they take, you know, you know, me to some back room and. Going there with a couple of different TSA guys.

We open up the case and literally I’ll never forget this open up the case. And the guy just goes, Holy shit. Just like that. I couldn’t believe that it was actually the trophy. And so we take it out. Like they got gloves on, they’re inspecting. Why would you lie

Pat Connaughton: about that? Like what, what exactly could it have been if he wasn’t

Joe Stanton: the trophy?

They look at the whole, you know, look at the case and everything. And then they asked me like, you know, very nicely, can we take pictures with that? And I’m like, yeah, sure. So they, they grabbed a few pictures of their own holding the trophy and their TSA uniforms. But so then, yeah, we ended up getting, getting through that and jump on the plane.


Pat Connaughton: then I had to first, I got to interrupt for a second. The funniest part I saw about it, or I heard about it. I wasn’t on the first trip was. Once he got through security, he’s walking through the airport with this thing being wheeled behind him, right? And the guy who helped him get through security gave him his card and said, Hey, if you have any problems, let me know.

Like I handled it. He kind of headed up TSA. So Joe gets to the terminal to go on the plane. And the funniest part is like, it’s still a unique thing, right? Nobody expects that to ever come like be a thing. So when he tries to check in, the people are like, That can’t go on the plane. That’s gotta go underneath the plane.

Joe’s like, no, no, no This can’t go underneath the plane and Joe’s like I got a seat for it and they’re like what? So he has like two tickets. It’s him and the trophy It’s like if it was him and Aaron, but it’s him and the trophy. He’s got two kids. He scans both tickets and they’re still like What’s in it?

Like I don’t like that doesn’t sit right which I don’t discredit him for that like that makes sense But Joe’s over here in a position where he’s like, well I don’t want everybody to know what it is because at the end of the day once I get to Boston everyone’s gonna want to Take a photo with the whole planes gonna be crashing around the Larry O’Brien trophy.

It’s gonna be like soul plane And so I think the funniest part to me was now he has to explain the story again to the people checking him in They don’t believe him Finally, they let him in on the plane. Now the flight attendant doesn’t believe him. She doesn’t want to let him on the plane. He has to explain it to her.

They move him up to first class. Let the thing sit next to him in first class. Has to get a seatbelt extender, because you have to strap it in. It doesn’t fit in the seat, so he puts it on the ground in the seat. And now he’s sitting there next to him with this case that looks somewhat like a bomb. In the first seat of the plane, as everybody’s walking by him on the plane, like, What is going on on here?


Joe Stanton: people stopped and they’re like, what is, what is in that case? And so said, I don’t wanna be on, on this plane anymore. . Yeah. So like he said, I didn’t want to, I, one, I don’t wanna scare anyone. And two, I didn’t wanna reveal what was actually inside. So I was making up like these rid, I was changing it up for every single person who asked what’s, what’s in that case?

I’m like, oh, it’s my trumpet. They’re like, oh, what’s in this case? Like, just making up all these things. And people were just like, oh, interesting. Just walk by. So we, we ended up successfully getting it there. But it was a, it was a hilarious story. And then I think the funniest part of all too. Was once we arrive, we get off and he was supposed to pick me up actually, but he was, I don’t know what he was doing.

I think it was golfing or something and I was running a little late. So he’s like, Oh, Hey, I’m not gonna be able to get you. So my mom had to come and pick me up and I’m like, Hey I’m at the airport and I have the Larry O’Brien trophy with me. Can you come pick me up? So she came and pick me up. We just tossed it on the back seat and then drove home and met Pat at my house, but it was pretty it was a, it was a fun trip.

Pat Connaughton: Yeah. And that’s like, look, it was the same exact thing on the flight back, Joe, Aaron, and myself, and I guess now you got to include the trophy because it’s for people traveling according to the tickets fly back. And like me and Aaron sit next to each other and Joe sits next to the trophy. We let him stay in charge of it.

Cause he’s had experience with it. He throws on his black shades during the flight, throws his hat on low. And he’s sitting there like this. He looks like a security guard with the trophy. Like he looks so serious. So we’ve got great photos of it, but like, I think some of the funniest parts are like Joe’s Godson.

His nephew like the Larry O’Brien trophy comes home. He was what three at the time.

Joe Stanton: Yeah,

Pat Connaughton: and The trophy school he can see himself in it. It’s whatever he loves the box You open up the box. It’s got a cutout of the trophy. That’s where you stick the trophy. Now I’ve just got padding all around it. You take the trophy out.

He fits in the cutout of the trophy in the box. So we take the trophy out. Everyone’s like, Ooh, at his house, like everyone’s pumped about it, et cetera. My man, Connor is laying in the box in the exact way the trophies fit in the box. Like, Oh my God, look at me. This is the best thing ever. So it’s just funny how like, Things work and how much you know, obviously people enjoyed seeing the trophy, but some people enjoyed seeing the box

Richie Burke: Thank you for tuning into this episode with pat and joe Good luck to the milwaukee bucks the rest of the way if you want to support milwaukee uncut Please subscribe and write a review and share this with friends.

That means a lot and helps grow the show Milwaukee uncut is produced in the heart of walkers point at story mark studios in partnership with on milwaukee And presented by nicolet law and central standard distillery

JMatt: Milwaukee’s Must Try Hidden Gems

JMatt: Milwaukee’s Must Try Hidden Gems

JMatt,  a local content creator shining a spotlight on all things Milwaukee. With over 16,000 followers on Instagram and a whopping 180,000 followers on TikTok, he’s become an unofficial icon of the city.

JMatt,  a local content creator shining a spotlight on all things Milwaukee. With over 16,000 followers on Instagram and a whopping 180,000 followers on TikTok, he’s become an unofficial icon of the city. He’s partnered with big brands including Red Bull, Culvers, and Subway, but primarily focuses his attention on the small businesses that truly put Milwaukee on the map.

We talked with JMatt, a former radio personality, to talk about his journey from being on-air to on-screen and how being laid off led him to content creation. From the first videos he posted solving puzzles, to the pirate ship video that changed everything, it’s been a continuous learning process that JMatt has fully embraced.

Fast forward to today and he’s now a self-employed creator that doubles as a social media coach for small businesses and nonprofits in Milwaukee.

With over 4 years of local lifestyle content under his belt, he has amassed a huge list of Milwaukee area bars, restaurants, and businesses he has worked with… which means he is a bottomless pit of recommendations on the best spots Milwaukee has to offer. 

We didn’t just want him to rattle off the most popular spots in Milwaukee, though. We wanted to get his insights on the best hidden gems this city has flying under its radar – mostly of the food and drink sort.

From lowkey to high end first date restaurants (Santinos), waterfront patios (Barnacle Buds), and tucked-away taprooms (Edith) to quaint brunch spots (Cafe at the Plaza) and mini donut shops (Happy Dough Lucky), we cover 13 hidden gems in Milwaukee worthy of a little extra love. 


JMatt: I was hoping for like 10, 000 views in 24 hours. I got a million views. And then within a week I had 50, 000 followers and I had 5. 3 million views on that video.

Richie Burke: Hey everyone. Welcome back to Milwaukee Uncut produced in the heart of Walker’s Point by Storymark Studios in partnership with On Milwaukee and presented by Nicolet Law, the Midwest law firm and Central Standard Distillery.

Today, our guest is JMatt, a very recognizable Milwaukee, and you may know him from his TV show. TikToks or Instagram reels about the city, but you may not know much about his backstory. Jay Matt shares his Milwaukee content to nearly 200, 000 followers across Instagram and TikTok. He’s had brand deals with companies like Red Bull, Culver’s, and many more.

He’s also the founder of hashtag Milwaukee and a social media coach. In this episode, we’ll learn how JMatt broke through and started creating content for the city of Milwaukee and really grew his followings and J Matt will give you a lot of hidden gem spots that you should check out around the city from restaurants to drink spots, to date night spots, to other activities.

A lot of which I had never heard of. And I feel like as someone who produces a Milwaukee based podcast and has been here for over a decade, I know the city pretty well, but JMatt gives us a lot of good spots. So it’s, it’s a good one. Thanks again for tuning in. Let’s dive in with JMatt

JMatt: In my mid twenties, there was an opportunity to move to Milwaukee formally, and I got an apartment on the East side, lived there for six to seven years, and then, , eventually bought a condo in Riverwest.

So I think now it’s very easy to say through and through I’m very Milwaukee. This is my home. This is my chosen home, really, even though I grew up just outside of the city.

Richie Burke: What brought you here? So there was an opportunity to move here.

JMatt: Yeah, I lived in Madison for a bit, working in radio and there was a nonprofit looking for a social media specialist and it was right around the lines of what I was looking to do.

I wanted a role that was more centered around social media and content, as opposed to a fraction of the position. And it just made sense. I interviewed for it, got the job, came out here and, did that for a few years before I got offered a dream job with Kiss FM.

Richie Burke: Tell us about that experience.

JMatt: Yeah. So Kiss FM, I was working part time and the weekends driving from Madison to Milwaukee to be a part of the top 40 radio station, filling in overnights and early morning when Ryan Seacrest would be coming on for the 80 40 American top 40. Yeah, that’s what it is. I’d spent a while since I’ve been a part of that show, but, , it was very involved.

With going back and forth and part of it was, you know, it’d be a lot nicer if I just lived in Milwaukee and didn’t have to have the commute back and forth every weekend just to be on the air. So it allowed me to, , that non profit allowed me to be closer so that I could continue to do it as a part time job.

But I think that dedication that I showed the, , operating manager and others, , for so long opened up an opportunity down the road. They created a position for me, Digital Digital Program Manager. It’s a weird phrase because in radio, Program Manager is the thing. So they needed to have basically the same concept, but for the digital, organic content.

So they hired me for that and then I was also, full time on the air Monday through Friday after the Riggs and Allie show. So it was like the station I grew up listening to, Top 40, so that had a special, , sentiment to it and then I was going on after Allie, who doesn’t love hearing this, but I grew up listening to Allie and she was still on the station when I got on.

So it was kind of like a surreal moment of like, I grew up listening to some of these voices and now I’m part of these voices that maybe down the road kids will grow up and be like, Oh, I heard JMatt on Kiss FM back in the day.

Richie Burke: And then the pandemic hit.

JMatt: Yeah.

Richie Burke: And you got let go from KISS, I believe.

JMatt: Yeah, I was the first of about a third of the radio station.

They own, the company owned three stations. So I was let go. And then morning show producers were let go. Other people were let go. I think an afternoon guy was let go. There were people in behind the scene roles of like promotions and events, which made sense to let go. So yeah, it was a hard hit at the time.

Yeah. Not only was it like losing a job, but it was like a job that I really didn’t foresee myself ever like leaving on my own.

Richie Burke: We taught you just mentioned maybe kids saying, Oh, I listened to JMatt growing up. It seems like that was a long term plan for you. Yeah, you’ve bounced back nicely though.

Was that a kind of a blessing looking back, even though it must’ve been completely crushing in the moment.

JMatt: It’s, it is interesting because the very first, Weekend, after I got let go from Kiss FM, I remember seeing like, early voting was a big thing, I don’t even know if it was early voting necessarily, but it was just voting in general, and they had to adjust for COVID.

So people were like in their cars waiting to vote, and the line was around the block. And I remember thinking, oh, I should talk about this on the air on Monday. And then it dawned on me, I was like, I don’t have anywhere to talk about this. So, I wish I could say in that moment I knew that I should flip this opportunity into social media content.

It wasn’t super obvious to me in the moment. I think I was just kind of still in shock of everything. , I think it took a good three to four months until I got into a rhythm where. Local content was the answer in short form video content form.

Richie Burke: So this overlaps a little bit. You’re big on TikTok. How did you get into it?

I’m guessing that was during your time at KISS or maybe even before then. Can you talk about where you started there, how you ended up doing the short form Milwaukee content, and how it really took off for you?

JMatt: What a lot of people don’t know is when I started TikTok, it, , was definitely not Milwaukee content.

Because, like, people will find you and just asse you always did it. I started figuring out TikTok because, yes, I worked at the radio station, and that’s where our Gen Z target audience was. So I had to figure out what TikTok was. How do you actually use it? How do you make good content on it? And figuring all that out, like, how do I get their attention?

So I saw content that was being made by others, , who were not as confident, whereas I was on the air, on social media, my face was on social media all the time, so I was already used to it. Possible content. Was the thing because you had a lot of Gen Zers Who would probably have been in middle school at the time or high school?

And there was like, oh, here’s a a brain teaser. How do you figure it out? but all they were showing was the the person’s hand and Speaking off camera and I was like, well, what if I? was on camera. What if I spoke on camera? And at the time you could only do 15 second videos. So I was like, how do I use my face?

How do I show the puzzle and write in reverse and backwards and upside down all these sorts of things. I figured out all of it. And through puzzle content, I got 20, 000 followers. So I figured it out. I cracked the code, but for me, it got annoying because I didn’t really care about the notifications and the content.

I was mostly just trying to. figure out how the platform worked. And so I started trying to shift it as it was, , which is pretty hard to go from puzzle content to what I now do. And didn’t know it at the time, , city of Milwaukee content. It take, it took me a good year mixture of before pandemic and post pandemic, or I guess during pandemic to figure out, The niche of city of milwaukee content

Richie Burke: was your first city in milwaukee video where it struck a chord with you

JMatt: so I wish I also could say that first video was super obvious when it hit it was a very lucky situation where I was Unemployed and had supportive community around me of friends and one had a boat and we went on the milwaukee river I knew of the pirate barge Is

Richie Burke: this Ian Abston?

JMatt: It is Ian.

Richie Burke: We love giving Ian shoutouts on this show. What a great Milwaukee citizen he is.

JMatt: He is great. He, , I knew of the Pirate Barge and he introduced me as the TikToker, which was much better than the unemployed guy, , during the pandemic. So I appreciated being introduced as that. And at the time, like 20, 25, 000 followers, it was a decent deal, but it wasn’t city of Milwaukee content.

And I remember him saying, Oh, where do we want to go? I was like, well, what about the pirate barge? I knew at the time that it was up for sale. And it was going to be sold in like a week, so theoretically, last opportunity to go. Water levels were pretty high. We had to go under the bridge and somebody, I think it might’ve been Ian, might’ve been someone else on the boat said, Oh, this would make a great TikTok.

And I was like, you’re right. And I handed my phone off to somebody sitting in the back. And so we had a perfect shot of me and this other guy helping guide the boat underneath the bridge, which was alone worthy of views. And then I used, , phrasing that, , Was unusual, theoretically. I said centimeters instead of inches.

And so you had a bunch of the people like, this is America. We use inches here, not centimeters. I was like, heard trying to exaggerate the, like the minuscule amount of clearance that we had. And then of course we show the pirate barge and people are like, Oh, this is really cool. Off camera. I had, of course gone on and explored it.

So in the video, I was saying, Oh, if you blow this video up, We’ll go on the Pirate Barge and show you what it looks like. I already shot the content, who cares? So, I was hoping for like 10, 000 views. In 24 hours I got a million views. And then within a week I had 50, 000 followers. And I had 5. 3 million views on that video.

Richie Burke: What was that like? Were you just hitting refresh and it just didn’t slow down?

JMatt: I think I posted it and then like, it was so early, I hadn’t had a video You just wake up and you’re like, holy shit. Well, with the puzzle content, I was getting some videos with a million views. So I was already used to that, , but this was Truly something different that I didn’t really anticipate how it could function and get viewed So I didn’t really pay attention to it till the next day and thought I was gonna see 10, 000 views and it was a million I was like, how did this happen?

And this is where I say I wish I knew that it was cuz of milwaukee Because I was like, ah, I guess I could play on like the history of the pirate barge and then I could play on Roaring Dan and I was not the direction I needed to go But it wasn’t obvious to me, like looking back, it’s obvious.

Richie Burke: Were you just throwing out pirate videos after that?

JMatt: Dude, it was rough. I was like, I don’t know how I’m going to keep this going. And then I remembered Milwaukee is not a pirate hotbed. I know! But I didn’t think it was because of Milwaukee. I thought it was because of the uniqueness of the situation. And I was like, how do I continue this? And then I noticed some people in the comments kind of saying, I used to live in Milwaukee, I had no idea this was a thing, or I used to party on the pirate barge back in the day.

So then I could start seeing the community that was forming in the comments. And able to test, , to see if it was Milwaukee. And I, I think the first video I did was five beer gardens in the city of Milwaukee. And that blew up and I was like, all right Well, what about five free attractions in the city of milwaukee that blew up?

I was like, ah, it’s local content

Richie Burke: Got it, and that was in 2020.

JMatt: Yeah,

Richie Burke: and then You were at an agency a little bit you went off on your own. How’s how’s that going? What are you up to right now?

JMatt: , yeah, i’m formally self employed as of mid november of 2023 So it’s been nearly five six months of self employment and it’s been great I’ve got monthly retainer clients that I help with social media coaching and help like improve their presence.

And it’s great for like thought leaders or entertainers that just want to be doing better on social media. And I work with some nonprofits to help them do better on social media. My whole goal is to work with you for like six months and then give you those tools that you need so that you can continue on your own.

I don’t want to necessarily have to do this with you all the time. I want to give you the skillset that you don’t have. Cause like, where do you get the skillset kind of figured out a good skillset with social media for 15 years. So I can offload that in a way that’s easy to conse and replicate and you can continue to create your content and your presence on your own.

Richie Burke: Love it um, You’ve gotten a lot of brand deals. When did, when did those start? So bridging between, okay, do the pirate barge video. You’re doing some beer gardens, mother Milwaukee content. This is in 2020. When did you get, do you remember what your first brand deal was and what, what that was like to have a brand actually reach out to you and want to pay you to do?

JMatt: The first one was unfortunately a restaurant that is no longer in business, but it was near the airport and they just kind of reached out and said, Oh, we would love to be featured on your page. So it was the first time to explore it, but the first like, major brand, , was probably like the second or third thing after that, which was Red Bull.

They reached out to me and they’re like, we’re doing this thing called Flugtag, where we’re gonna throw these flying contraptions off of a platform that’s 30 to 40 feet up in the air into Lake Michigan. We want you to be a part of this event. And I was like, Yes, please. I am very intrigued by this. So that was still a, I think back and I’m like, wow, that really got the ball rolling on what has become, , a really fun self employment opportunity.

Richie Burke: Hey everyone. It’s your host, Richie Burke. Thank you for tuning in to Milwaukee Uncut. Please take a second to subscribe if you have not already, and maybe even write a review that helps support the show. And we’ve got a lot of great Milwaukee episodes coming up. Also, just wanted to give a thank you to our sponsors, our friends at Nicolet Law, the Midwest’s law firm, and Central Standard Distillery.

Also, if you have not checked out Central Standard’s craft house right outside the Third Ward, make sure to do so. Great food, drinks, really nice rooftop when the weather’s nice. Which I’m sure, I’m sure it’ll get nice out soon. It kind of has to. So make sure to check out the craft house. All right. Back to today’s episode with J Matt.

Let’s get into some Milwaukee related questions. You are a Milwaukee expert. A lot of listeners want to know where to go, where the cool spots are, maybe where some hidden gems are. So. We’ll, we’ll rattle off some spots or I’ll ask you some questions. These don’t necessarily have to be the, the best spots in the city, but whatever comes to mind or places that J Matt enjoys, or maybe people can find you hanging out at first one, hidden, hidden gem food spot or spots.

JMatt: So I’ve been doing spicy food lately. I did a series, I think I’m on seven, the seventh video where I go into the restaurant and I say, give me the spiciest thing on the menu. And then I get those looks of like. Are you sure white boy and I was like Yes I really would and I have to tell them literally that I want them to make me cry And that seems to be the magic phrase that they’re like, all right sold.

We’ll just we’ll make you cry. , and one of the places that It hit me hard was this place called fa 414 And the reason why I love that this is a hidden gem is the fact that it’s in Mungtown, , on the north ish, north ish, northwest ish side of town, Appleton in Hampton? Don’t quote me. But I know it’s off of Appleton.

So, that is essentially like a little food court within a grocery store or a market. And they have literally fire in the form of heat that they can give you for food. And they got mild, totally. The , guy that gave me the, the hottest option felt real bad because he could tell I was struggling. Which, , He nailed it.

He got exactly what I asked for.

Richie Burke: Got good views too, didn’t it?

JMatt: It did pretty well. , but he felt so bad. He’s like, Here’s a, here’s a nber one. I want you to take that home. And I was like, I didn’t ask for that, but I will certainly eat it. , thank you. And I could tell the difference between the one and what I got was definitely way different.

Richie Burke: So for people who don’t want to cry, You can still enjoy good spot. It’s

JMatt: still a spot to enjoy.

Richie Burke: What about cocktail spots? Where are you going?

JMatt: So another video that I made recently, , was of a hidden gem cocktail spot and it’s called Edith. And if you don’t know it exists, it’s very easy to pass right by because they’re not, they don’t have like a signage that’s very showy.

They’ve got Edith on the door and they’ve got a sandwich sign out on the sidewalk. And if you’re not walking by or not really looking for it, it’s easy to not notice. It’s, , maybe two blocks away from third street market hall. And. It is a craft cocktail bar. Typically they say their clientele, at least when I went there several months ago, was people that were coming for a show, looking for a place to drink before the show, and then they would go.

So I got there at like 10 30 and it was empty. That’s because their clientele was going. Before shows and at the time that I went they were still relatively new and people hadn’t heard of it yet I think on Friday nights, they do jazz night. So they’re certainly increasing in the popularity and that video did pretty well So I hope that they’re doing pretty well, too.

Richie Burke: Any favorite date spot?

JMatt: So if you want to be bougie and show off There’s a date spot that I discovered recently and it is like one of those like cocktails are like 25 and it’s a little expensive. So you just have to know that going in.

Richie Burke: We’ll do a bougie one and a non bougie one. Okay, cool. How does that sound?

JMatt: Solomon’s at the Trade Hotel.

Richie Burke: They have three

JMatt: bars at the Trade Hotel. That’s next to Pfizer For. Yeah, and they have Il Cervo on the roof. They’ve got , I forget the first floor bar. Is it craft or something? It’s some

Richie Burke: basic like that. , we’ll think of it right when we get off. That’s a good spot though.

JMatt: That one works too and I think that one everyone knows of because as you’re walking by you see it and then when you’re like, oh I heard they got a rooftop bar so you know that one. Solomon’s is on the second floor. It’s easy to miss and if you’re not like going to find this third bar. I literally want to find it.

I go around, , the stairs, go up and I see where it is, but like, still don’t see the bar until you come around the corner and you see Solomon’s and you’re like, well, this is really tucked away and a pretty cool spot. Especially like they have the lights dim in there when you’re going up a little bit later.

It’s a nice little spot. They got a little fireplace in there. So if you’re trying to be bougie and show off. Solomon’s at the trade. Is

Richie Burke: it just up the stairs from the first? Or? You can take the elevator. I have been up there before. Is there food there too? Or is it just drinks? Don’t remember seeing food.

Good drink spot for sure.

JMatt: But El Chevro upstairs has food and that I would debatably say is another date spot worth checking out. But one that would be not bougie necessarily would be, , Santino’s Little Italy. That’s a great spot. It’s good if you want to get pizza, that’s an easy date option. , it’s kind of like a throwback in the vibe that they have.

You can get a cute little two person table tucked away, dim lighting. You can still get that vibe. And I think they have some outdoor seating. If it’s the weather’s nice, you’ve got some options there. And then if you, , Or with somebody that doesn’t know that area very well. , after, if like the date’s going well and you need a second location, you take them to Barnacle Buds.

And I know it’s the fish stock or whatever, but like, they have good cocktails. This is the non

Richie Burke: bougie date. This is the non bougie date. That’s a cool spot.

JMatt: And it’s a cool spot, it’s got the outdoor patio You don’t really know of and you don’t find barnacle buds unless you know that it’s there. You don’t accidentally come upon it

Richie Burke: Another cool non santino’s if you want to be even more non bougie and bring your dog along enlightened brewing Next door brie and I’ll go there Sometimes when we’re with oakley and pick up a pizza and take it to the brewery and they’ve got some good beer over there That works too.

What about brunch your brunch guys? See your brunch videos any anywhere stand out or anywhere people need need to try may not be aware of

JMatt: Here’s, here’s a good one in the sense of hidden gems. It’s not that it’s truly a hidden place It’s just I think it hides in plain sight. Cafe at the Plaza.

Richie Burke: That’s a good one.

And you’re right That doesn’t really make any lists. You get there, you’re just like, what is this? a classic brunch spot. You

JMatt: can have the nice classic diner feel if you just want to go up to the counter and not wait for a table You can get a table or if it’s a nice day out you can sit in the courtyard which they have And so you can sit outside and you obviously can’t see a courtyard from the street.

It just looks like an apartment complex when you walk by it. And then you go in and you’re like, well, you just got a restaurant in here. Perfect for breakfast or brunch.

Richie Burke: You just brought up courtyard. What about patio? Any, any patios that, well,

JMatt: I’ve got to plug my friend JC over at Pufferfish. Who’s got a tiki bar and a patio on the rooftop of Hotel Metro.

So if you’re looking for a different sort of vibe, that’s not necessarily the Kempton journeyman outsider, which I know is a very popular rooftop, , more centralized in downtown Milwaukee. Pufferfish is a good one. , Bridgewater is another good one where it’s a newer restaurant. I think it’s like a year or two old.

It’s good restaurant It’s good restaurant really good drinks.

Richie Burke: That’s a good date spot too.

JMatt: Good date spot. I say I would say that’s in between bougie and Affordable.

Richie Burke: Yeah, if you want that upper mid tier. Yeah.

JMatt: Yeah nice casual. It’s nice weather out they have a very I think their claim is the longest waterfront patio in the city?

Something like that. It’s pretty long. , I would have to take a tape measure. That’s a Marcus Group

Richie Burke: restaurant.

JMatt: Yeah. So that’s a decent one to go to for sure.

Richie Burke: Gotta give a shout out to our friends at Central Standard too.

JMatt: The Aviary. Yep. The rooftop bar there as well. That’s a nice nice smer


Spot for sure.

Richie Burke: What about some maybe under the radar small businesses?

JMatt: So, I think the place is called Happy Dough Lucky in Bayview. It is a mini donuts spot.

Richie Burke: I saw your video, those look delicious.

JMatt: Yeah, somebody said, oh, I hope you didn’t eat every single one. I was like, if you see me take a bite, I’m not spitting it out.

I ate one of every single option you saw. I didn’t eat the rest of them. How many were there? At least a dozen, maybe 13, 14. I don’t know. I can’t recall. They were just bite sized. Okay.

Richie Burke: That’s not too bad. That’s not bad at

JMatt: all. But they all had like interesting garnishes. Garnish, fun word to use on a mini donut, but I don’t have a better word for it.

, there was like a mud cup or there was a gmy worm on one. There was, , I think there was a puppy chow one. Then there was like a, a blueberry one, a nerds one. They’re just, So many different versions. I even asked them, I was like, can you make a spicy mini donut? And they can, but they just didn’t have it available at that time, which I would go back for a spicy mini donut just to see what that’s like.

And they have your classic, the powdered sugar, the, , cinnamon sugar and the mix. But what’s interesting about this location beyond food is it’s also an arcade. So they have a lot of pinball machines. They have a lot of, a lot of old school, , So, while you’re waiting for your donuts to come out, you can play some video games.

It gives you, , a modified version of UpDown, because if you’ve gone in there, they’ve got the pin machines and it’s two floors of gaming. It’s Not nearly as many games, but it’s enough that you would have variety and you wouldn’t get bored in the time that it takes for you to get your

Richie Burke: kind of like a newer landmark on the lanes, arcade type.

That was a little

JMatt: smaller. Yeah. It doesn’t have like, , Dave and Buster’s style games of like the flashy and tokens, but it has, it’s right. It’s right. It’s right in

Richie Burke: Bayview.

JMatt: It’s in Bayview. Yep.

Richie Burke: Nice. What about favorite activity? Just Milwaukee activities in general. Yeah.

JMatt: RSVR if

Richie Burke: you’ve heard of that never heard of it enlighten me.

JMatt: Ooh, this place is in , it’s virtual reality, so they have, I think, four stations, maybe less, but it’s, you can rent out a station for your group, and you get it for like an hour or so, and you get a VR headset, and you play the game, and you switch off with the people on your team, or in your group. , they can do adult parties, where, you know, there’s some, , beverages that you can enjoy.

And it’s kid friendly, too. So, not having the adult beverages. But, , I think they also have a back patio area, too. They’ve expanded a bit. So that’s a fun spot. And then, another one, also in Bayview. I don’t know what’s going on in Bayview, but they got a lot of activities. , Bustin Stuff.

Richie Burke: What’s that?

JMatt: You’ve not heard of Bustin Stuff. Bustin Stuff is like I have you on the podcast, Shane. That’s alright. That’s alright. I was just like, man. Tell me and everyone else in the city what’s going on. I thought I was, I thought I was gonna give something and you’re like, oh, I know that. That’s a fun spot. As someone who

Richie Burke: hosts a Milwaukee podcast, I probably should know some of the things you’re rattling off.

Which, which I have.

JMatt: Bustin Stuff is like a Rage Room, and they take donations. So if you have computer screens and keyboards and pottery or whatever, that you don’t know where to get rid of them necessarily, you donate it to him, and then he’ll put you in a Rage Room and you can smash it with a baseball bat, or a nine iron, or whatever else you want.

, and they have a separate room, , Where and I haven’t done this experience, but I’m intrigued by it. It’s something paint oriented So like you don’t know how to describe it, but I know you leave with a product through which you’ve made art I guess but it’s very messy. They give you a suit by the way So you’ll be in a suit be safe whether you’re doing the art version or the non art version They give you protective gear, of course so that you can be as safe as possible

Richie Burke: any closing message to the city of Milwaukee

JMatt: I think Milwaukee’s one of those cities that, when you visit Milwaukee, you realize what everyone’s talking about.

You don’t really understand it until you come and visit. So, if you’ve never been to Milwaukee, definitely visit. , and it’s easy to see the community, the culture that is in the city just from a short weekend. And then shortly after, you’re kind of thinking, I kind of want to move here. Where should I move?

And then got to figure that out.

Richie Burke: Great. Loved having you on. Thanks for coming down today. Good seeing you. You too. Hey everyone. Thank you for listening to Milwaukee Uncut. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, write a review, share with your friends. That helps the show. Also, if you want to watch the video version of this interview or any of the clips from this episode. We’ve been getting a lot of traction on Instagram and YouTube recently. So make sure to go check out those platforms. They’re linked in the show notes as well. And just a reminder, Milwaukee Uncut is produced by Story Mark Studios right in the heart of Walkers Point where I’m sitting right now in partnership with On Milwaukee and presented by Nicolet Law and Central Standard Distillery.

Milwaukee Admirals: Zach L’Heureux & Kevin Wall

Milwaukee Admirals: Zach L’Heureux & Kevin Wall

Gearing up for the playoffs, we dive into Zach and Kevin’s first year on the Admirals (including the 19-game win streak), and in Milwaukee! 

Gearing up for the playoffs, we dive into Zach and Kevin’s first year on the Admirals (including the 19-game win streak), and in Milwaukee! 

Along with their backstories, how they got to the pros and how the team is prepping for a playoff run we cover a wide range of topics and fan submitted questions including: 

  • Doorbell camera disaster
  • Las Vegas shenanigans
  • Biggest transition to pro hockey 
  • Where the Ads go on a night out in Milwaukee
  • Who would win in a fight – Zach, Kevin,……. or Richie?
  • What teammates would you NOT let (and let) date your sister?
  • What do they like to do in Milwaukee?
  • And more Fan-submitted Q&A’s


Zach L’Heureux: I’ve never been to Vegas before, and from my first experience it was, you know, on top of the moon. And then our captain comes flying out of nowhere and jps over all of us and grabs this guy by the head. Next thing you know, everybody’s piling in.

Richie Burke: How long would it take you to knock me out? How many beers in a night would be considered impressive for a hockey player?

Kevin Wall: I mean, you can see when you go to other places,nothing compares to our home rink. Let’s go win a cup. Yeah, let’s do

Zach L’Heureux: it. I mean, we’re on the train now, and there’s no getting off of it.

Richie Burke: Hey everyone, it’s your host Richie Burke and welcome back to Milwaukee Uncut, produced by StoryMark Studios in partnership with On Milwaukee and presented by Nicolet Law, the Midwest’s law firm and our friends at Central Standard Distillery.

We’ve got a good one today with first year Admirals players, Zach LaRue and Kevin Wall. Kevin was the leading scorer and team captain for the Penn State Nittany Lions. This is his first of a two year deal with the ads. He is from Rochester. New York as well, Bill’s mafia country. And we’ve got Zach LaRue also in his first year, he was a first round NHL draft pick by the Nashville Predators in 2021 played juniors in Canada, where he’s from, he’s a Canadian, and this is his first year playing professional hockey, as you may know, the ads are having a great season in January and February, they were on a 19 game win streak, the second longest in AHL history, and are now gearing up for a playoff run.

This is a fun one. It’s a good mix of ads, hockey, hilarious story, and some really good fan submitted questions that you’re not going to want to miss. Let’s dive into today’s episode with Zach and Kevin. All right. So you guys have had a hell of a first year so far. Set the team record 19 game win streak, which is the second longest in AHL history.

Both your first year in the city of Milwaukee. What’s it been like for you two?

Kevin Wall: Yeah, it’s been awesome.It’s been a little bit of a learning experience, different schedules than college at least.But no, it’s been awesome. I mean like you said it’s been a great year for us and It’s been awesome to be a part of it and lucky enough to be here.

Richie Burke: Were you, did you go straight from college hockey to the AHL? Yep. What’s the biggest adjustment been like?

Kevin Wall: Probably the amount of college it was 34, maybe 36 if you went all the way. And, here it’s 72 regular season. So, it’s a lot more wear and tear on your body. So, just adjusting and learning from the older guys on how to keep yourself.

Just ready to go.

Richie Burke: Zach, you had a different path. What’s the, what’s the first year been like for you?

Zach L’Heureux: Yeah, it’s been great. I’ve been loving the’s definitely an adjustment. Like you said,I came from junior. So I think the amount of games is,was, you know, kind of more similar, but you know, living on your own, cooking your own food, you know, laundry, all that stuff that, you know, had billets back in Halifax who helped me a lot.

And it’s,it’s been an adjustment, but,I’ve been loving it, you know, learning. What it’s like to be a pro and you know every day, you know, this is your day job kind of now So it’sit’s been fun.

Richie Burke: Yeah, welcome to being an adult. Yeah, exactly You’re only a few weeks away from from being 21. I know this episode I want to go back a little bit.

What was growing up like for for both of you? Zach let’s start with you growing up in in Canada. When did you get into hockey who pushed you into it? How old were you?

Zach L’Heureux: I was pretty much I think three or four years old. My dad, you know, played hockey is his whole life. So he kind of pushed me into it. But you know, I feel like also just being from Canada.

It’s what every every kid did every kid wanted to do. So as soon as I you know, got my first pair of skates on, I think I was, you know, flying already. And you know, that’s what I wanted to do. And when I set my eyes on so it was, it was definitely special, you know, growing up in Canada where it was, you know, so big.

Richie Burke: Any other sports you played growing up? Or was it just all hockey from home?

Zach L’Heureux: Played a lot of different sports.I think I played, you know, rugby, soccer, football, but soccer was probably my nber two sport. You know, I could play a lot,up until I think I was like 14 or 15 years old and was a goalie, surprisingly, cause I’m a forward now in hockey.

So it’s, it was, it was a bit of a switch and, my, my parents hated it cause I just sat in that and didn’t do anything, but I loved it. So yeah.

Richie Burke: When, when did you know you were different from the other kids or wanted to make the

Zach L’Heureux: I felt like, you know, maybe once you hit, you know, 14, 15 years old, I thought, you know, I was starting to separate myself maybe a little bit more and, you know, getting more opportunities and, you know, you’re getting scouts, you know, agents, you know, people are looking at you.

So I felt like then maybe I had, you know, a little something special, but at the same time, I was just a kid playing hockey like I, like I am today. It’s, you know, taking it one day at a time. I’m loving it. And yeah.

Richie Burke: Yeah, and you got drafted in 21. Yeah, so you were still were you in high school then or I was I just graduated high school that year Okay, so his senior year.

Yeah get drafted is the NHL draft in spring smer when

Zach L’Heureux: it was It was a kovat year. So it was online. It was July. So it was a little later than usual And yeah, that was definitely interesting. But at the same time, you know, I was able to be at home with all my family and friends, even though it was middle of COVID, bend some laws a little bit, back home, but ,it was still a great, great night.

Yeah. What was that moment like for you? So special and stressful. I’m kind of happy it was, it was over when it was. I remember, you know, I think the draft started at 8 30 and I didn’t get drafted until 11 30 So it was probably the longest three hours of my life just sitting there and you know The first round’s the night before so I was you know Hoping to be a first round pick and you know, I had potential but you never know how it’s gonna go.

So You know, it was a lot of nerves, but when,when the Preds called my name, it was a special feeling. You snuck in there. Snuck in there. They traded up to get me too, so who knows if I would have went, would have went in the first round if they didn’t do that. So it was,yeah, special.

Richie Burke: Yeah. And,Kevin, you were not, not quite in the first round, sixth round, 2019 Rochester, Bill’s Mafia guy, are you?

Yeah, I am. Yep. . Love to hear that. Yeah. Packer fan, but I pull for the AFC as well. Jping on picnic tables, I’d, I’d, yeah. How can you not? So you grew up in Rochester. What was that like? Did you get into hockey right away too? Did you play other sports? So,

Kevin Wall: , no one in my family ever played hockey. My dad played baseball at college.

My mom was a basketball player. So I tried those sports before getting into hockey wasn’t my thing. And then I went and I watched a high school hockey game, still remember which, which game it was. And just fell in love with it. Loved how quick it was. And. Just the constant movement and got on skates and ever since I got on skates just fell in love with the game and it’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.

Richie Burke: How did your game evolve? Is Rochester a big hockey town? So

Kevin Wall: it’s, it’s grown. Back in the day it was mainly,Brian Gionta, Nathan Page, Stephen Gionta, Ryan Callahan.a bunch of guys who had gone off and played in the NHL, won Stanley they’ve done a really good job of growing the game within Rochester.

, but back then, I mean, we had teams in Rochester, of course, but,you know, Buffalo and Syracuse were always probably the two places where it was a little bit better.but now it’s, it’s come a long way and I think there’s going to be some really good hockey players coming out of there.

Richie Burke: Yeah.was there a moment you knew you wanted

Kevin Wall: to go pro?

I think it was always for me was that’s the end goal no matter what. But it wasn’t a. realization where I thought I was good enough or maybe bad enough. It was just I just wanted to be the best at hockey and just tried to work for that as long as I could. And wherever my skill set took me, it took me.just continue to do that.

Richie Burke: Yeah. In,This season, you guys got off to, I mean, a bit of a rough start. Then basically went undefeated in January and February. You lost one game, which was the last game of February. Kind of been 500 since. How’s the, how’s the squad feeling going into the playoffs? I

Zach L’Heureux: feel like we’ve been feeling pretty good.

I think, like you said, it’s been kind of a roller coaster, maybe a little bit of a year. But, you know, the highs were, were so good that we know how good of a team we are, how good we can play. So I feel like, You know, it hasn’t been going as well, but we have six games to really, you know, fine tune our game and make sure going into playoffs that we’re as ready as we can be.

And I think we’re doing that, you know, the best we can right now. I feel like our last three, four games, even though, you know, I think we’ve lost two of them. It, it hasn’t, you know, dictated our play, you know, I think our play has gotten a lot better over the last few weeks already. I think we’re kind of going on the maybe a little bit of a high here before playoffs and you know going in Happy and you know everybody on the same page ready to go So, you know, it was it was definitely cool to have that 19 game win streak The losses after wasn’t it wasn’t as fun, but I think we’re ready

Richie Burke: Yeah, what’s it like being on a 19 game win streak?

Kevin Wall: The best way to describe it is you go into every game and you just know you’re not gonna lose It’s how we felt and it was the confidence that we had in the roomI mean, it was, it was awesome. It was a great run and it’s a testimony to the team that we have in our leadership group.but yeah, it was an unbelievable.

Yeah. Second, it was kind of AHL history. The AHL has been

Richie Burke: around for a pretty long time. Yeah.what about when you lose four straight right after that, then what is that, are you just kind of in shock?

Zach L’Heureux: It was crazy. Cause that’s like, like you said, you know, you go 19 in a row, like, I don’t think before that, even, even if like before that, you know, we had some, a couple of good runs and I don’t think we lost more than two in a row the whole year.

So like we were on the ultimate high and then we went and lost four in a row and that was, that was pretty hard because, you know, you go from thinking you’re, you’re invincible pretty much, which I felt like we were to, you know, now struggling just to win a game and it’s like, you gotta, you know, find, find new ways, you know, adapt and I think we did that well, you know.

Yeah. The injury bug didn’t help us, you know, we had some some some definitely, you know things to work around But not to find excuses or anything, but I think you know We did do a good job as a team and you know, we’re still you know, finding that groove again.

Richie Burke: Yeah anything you two are working on Individually leading in or gearing up for the playoffs and anything specific as a team.

You guys are really focusing on I

Kevin Wall: think from a team perspective just Hammering the details, you know Coach Taylor talks about our standard as a Milwaukee admiral, and I think we know what that is and when we Play our way we could beat anyone So just yeah fine tuning stuff nothing crazy Individually, just like you said, I mean, injuries are so common now, especially at this time.

The games are tougher, more physical. It’s more demanding on your body. So just keeping your nutrition up, getting your sleep and just making sure you’re ready to go when you’re out there.

Zach L’Heureux: Yeah, I mean, to add to that, I think it’s, you know, we’re first year guys, so A lot, a lot of the season and, you know, going into playoffs, we’ve never really experienced it.

So it’s, it’s pretty, it’s pretty fun and special, I think, for us to kind of feel it all for the first time. But I think you got to give a, you know, kudos to the older guys and, you know, the way that they handle themselves and, you know, show us the way. I think it definitely goes a long way and, you know, we appreciate it a lot.

So. Have

Richie Burke: they done a good job taking you guys under their wing because you are first year players But you’re definitely expected to contribute and play at a high level.

Zach L’Heureux: Yeah. Well, you never know to like, you know, you always hear, you know The dark side, you know bad, you know bad teammates bad, you know, whatever So to go into a team a new team as you know young guys and you know Now we’re playing with you know guys with kids that are in their 30s and it’s just a whole new world So, you know, our guys have done a great job Unreal job, you know, we couldn’t have asked for, you know, better veterans to have and In our first pro season.

So it’s a, definitely a big

Richie Burke: plus. Hey everyone. It’s Richie. Thanks for listening to this episode of Milwaukee Uncut. I just wanted to give a quick shout out to our friends at Nicolet Law, the Midwest law firm. We had a great episode with the founder and the bill billboard icon, excuse me, billboard icon, Russell Nicolet a couple of weeks ago, and we had a pretty viral clip on the five weirdest laws in Wisconsin.

It’s on our Instagram page and our YouTube channel. So make sure to check. Those out also want to give a quick shout out to our friends at central standard distillery Whether you’re having some casual cocktails with friends or looking to get after it a little bit We always recommend central standard distillery.

Also. It’s almost summer. Hopefully almost summer So make sure to check out their rooftop at the craft house when it does get nice out Don’t think there is a better spot in the city to enjoy a cocktail in the summer Okay, we’ve got some great fan submitted questions coming up. Let’s dive back in with Zach and Kevin.

This one from PR Admiral. Is this, is this a guy over here? I didn’t recognize the screen, the profile pic on Instagram, but it’s a good question. What was your welcome to the party moment when you got into the league? Ooh, good question.

Zach L’Heureux: That’s a good one.

To the party or to the game like could be either it’s open for interpretation Well, we got to we got to have our rookie party in Las Vegas this year so we basically went to Henderson for two games and Got to play there and you know, we end up sweeping both games And then,you know, had a big dinner and just the whole team was out and just kind of being in Vegas.

It’s, you know, crazy. So that was definitely a special moment, I think for, for both of us.

Richie Burke: Any moments that stuck out to you from the team being out in Vegas?

Zach L’Heureux: We had a wild dinner, you know, it was in, you know, really nice spot and it was a, it was a crazy wild dinner. You know, a ton of, like, the food was unreal, and then after that, you know, there was music and dancing, you know, dancing on the tables, and it was just, I’ve never been to Vegas before, and from my first experience, it was, you know, on top of the moon, so it was,it was pretty cool.

Anything to add

Richie Burke: over there?

Kevin Wall: Yeah, I’d say,I mean, that’s a good one.

Richie Burke: Hard to top that one for this year for sure. Yeah, it is hard to top that.

Kevin Wall: And

Richie Burke: I was only at dinner.

Kevin Wall: Yeah, seriously.I’d probably say just like, you realize that this is, like Zach said earlier, it’s your day job. You know, it’s, you’re based on performance, how much money you’re going to make, stuff like that.

Like, it’s the real world and that was kind of like the, okay, this isn’t school anymore, I’m going to class after, anything like that. Like, it’s just my job and

Yeah, that’s about it. Yeah.

Richie Burke: Gab was wondering, this one’s for Zach, What do you think you could bring to the Preds the next few years?

Zach L’Heureux: Hopefully a roster spot. No,I think, you know, I can bring a lot of energy. I think, you know, I’ve shown that this year, that, you know, You know, I can bring a lot of grit, you know, kind of that hard skill soft skill that, you know, it’s hard to find But I you know, I just want to be an overall NHL player I think once you get to that that level, it’s you know, whatever it takes to stay at that level So, you know, hopefully everything I’m doing now can you know, maybe give me an opportunity and you know Once you get there if you need me to block shots my face I will if you needed me to you know Kill penalties or play on the power play or play fourth line minutes second line minutes, whatever it is, you know I just want to a spot there and do whatever it takes to you know Fulfill that role and whatever the team needs to win.

So I Think you you know, hopefully Within the next couple years. I can have that opportunity.

Richie Burke: Yeah Liv was wondering what’s you guys favorite pregame snack or meal?

Kevin Wall: Usually Well, pregame meals always consistent. It’s usually just chicken and pasta, but pregame snack is a peanut butter sandwich with banana on it and some honey.

Zach L’Heureux: I like that. You see, that’s great. Oh, cause I started doing that this year too. I think chicken and pasta is pretty standard for every guy before the game. Yeah. Like pregame meal. And then once I get to the rink, I do a, I do a peanut butter honey sandwich too. I started doing that this year and I feel great.

Richie Burke: Those are good. They don’t really weigh you down. No, I do that on the golf course sometimes.How? How many hours before the game are you eating Chicken and pasta.

Kevin Wall: Say if it’s a seven o’clock game, I’m eating. Yeah. Six, six and a half hours before. Yeah.

Zach L’Heureux: I

Richie Burke: thought you were gonna say six. I was like

Zach L’Heureux: thrown.

No, no. Definitely like Yeah, I took like six hours before. Yeah. You just take a nap, .

Richie Burke: That makes sense. Mr. Wolf was wondering, what is your favorite jersey? In the history of hockey or sports Wow history of hockey favorite jersey That’s a

Zach L’Heureux: great question.

Richie Burke: You could you could go outside

Zach L’Heureux: of

Richie Burke: hockey

Zach L’Heureux: if you want to outside of hockey, too Oh You know what i’m gonna have to say the halifax moose heads Because I one I played there so i’m extremely biased But they also have a great jersey and I think that green is just beautiful and it’s hard to beat

Richie Burke: Does it have a big moose on it?

Zach L’Heureux: Big moose on it. It’s just a, and it’s just an iconic jersey. I feel like everybody that sees a jersey just knows it. Like, McKinnon and Drew may help a lot for that, but I feel like just everybody knows that jersey. Anywaysum, He’s gonna say Penn State.

Kevin Wall: No, I’m not. I crossed my mind, so once you did Halifax I gotta, I gotta,

Richie Burke: I gotta get that jersey for one of my buddies,who threw a, who threw a party in college when his parents were out of town and he got caught cause there were footsteps in the snow and he told them it was a, It was a big fucking moose that ran through the yard.

So I got I got to get a Halifax jersey. That’s great for my buddy Ryan Boyd shout out to Boyd It is a big fucking moose There you go, it didn’t it didn’t work. It didn’t work.

Kevin Wall: anyway, uh I’d have to go with the old atlanta thrashers jerseys. Okay, really? Yeah the baby blues Yeah Just old school and just kind of when I was growing up that they had them when I was watching hockey.

So And it’s a I think it’s a sick jersey. It’s a sick jersey. So many better jerseys. They picked your junior team jersey I picked

Zach L’Heureux: my junior team jersey I did

Richie Burke: We got a question this is an interesting one from joe like a tote then they they get a little better What’s your what if you had a lightsaber?

What color would it be? Damn, it’s a great question Yeah, you don’t even

Kevin Wall: know what do you mean? I don’t know we’ve watched star wars before.i’d probably go red

Richie Burke: Blue come

Kevin Wall: on.

Richie Burke: All right. All right.this is a good one from kristen. What’s the funniest chirp you’ve ever heard on the rink? Or said

Zach L’Heureux: Yeah, oh Like sometimes it’s just like so outrageous that it makes you laugh in the moment, but you just forget about it

Kevin Wall: yeah, I heard one where You Someone told another player that,It was based on his height.

He was smaller. He’s like, I got five ya in my Effing front yard, buddy. Yeah, that was, that was out of the box. Probably one of the craziest ones.

Zach L’Heureux: Some small guy jokes. The short Kings are just getting crushed out there. They just eat it. The gingers always get chirped heavy too. It’s hard to, it’s hard to chirp when you’re a ginger.

Cause you just eat that back in your face. My roommate’s ginger and he just soaks it. Yeah. He just soaks them though, which is great. Man, I couldn’t, I don’t know, like, I don’t know. Any good specific ones you’ve heard about? Like specific, I’m trying to think, and nothing’s coming to my head. I’m sure as soon as we walk away, I’m going to be like, Ah, I remember that, but.

Can’t think of one? I can’t think of one. Not one shirt. I’m going to keep thinking though, if it comes to me,

Richie Burke: I’ll. Alright, what’s the craziest fight you two have ever been in?

Zach L’Heureux: Ooh, I got in a line brawl in juniors, which was, I guess, probably not my craziest fight, like one on one, but basically one of the, we’re on a PK and,our goalie spears this guy in the balls, like just like a nasty whack.

So the guy turns around and like, with the stick turns around with this, well, the goalie goes like this kind of, so this guy turns around and just smack right across the helmet with his stick. So, he kind of goes behind the net and our captain, like, I, like, one guy kind of grabs him and I grab him, and then our captain comes flying out of nowhere and jps over all of us and grabs this guy by the head.

Next thing you know, everybody’s piling in, we’re all, gloves are all gone. Ended up being my last game of the season, was, ended up getting suspended for like three games or whatever. It was like second fight. They just gave me a bunch of stuff. Random bullshit, and that was it, but I think that was probably the wildest one I’ve been a part of.

It was pretty cool. After you go back in the room, you’re with all your boys. I don’t know if you saw the New Jersey Devils against,Against the New York Rangers. They had that line brawl, and then after they’re all like just boys, like so happy to be together. They all fought together. It was kind of just that feeling of, you know, we all did it.

Fuck it. Who cares? It was awesome.

Kevin Wall: I don’t think I’m gonna have anything here for you. No fighting. No fighting in

Zach L’Heureux: college. That’s the thing, all these pretty boys coming out of college can’t fight.

Kevin Wall: Canada juniors, you can just let it rip up there. Well, this guy’s got like 19 suspensions and juniors, so he’s bound to have something crazy.


Richie Burke: you ever gotten hurt bad in a fight? Hurt bad?

Zach L’Heureux: , concussions, bloody knuckles. So no, not really? Nothing, no. Nothing crazy.

Richie Burke: How long would it take you to knock me out?

Zach L’Heureux: Like a normal han. You got a good chin. You got a good reach. I would say, if it was a full on square up fight, you probably, you may beat me up.

You got me on reach and height. No, I’m not. Skate

Richie Burke: stuff. I don’t know if I’d call myself pretty, but I’m kind of in that camp. I’ve maybe been involved in a couple of bar fights, none that I initiated. They just kind of, you know. Happened. Yeah. They just kind of happened. I don’t know. I try not to fight off the ice.

I would not fight a professional hockey player. Yeah. Yeah. He’s wondering who’d win in a fight of you two on the rink

Zach L’Heureux: you see we’ve had this argent nerous times And I would have to kick his ass, but he says he wouldn’t it’s not and he does have a fat head So he’d probably eat a lot of my punches.

That has nothing to do. I think he

Richie Burke: has a lot more experience

Kevin Wall: exactly He’s got a lot of confidence in himself.

Richie Burke: I

Zach L’Heureux: agree

Kevin Wall: and like He’s not he we even if he

Zach L’Heureux: gets a couple punches off. There’s no way

Kevin Wall: he’d

Zach L’Heureux: ever beat

Kevin Wall: me both times We’ve sparred up after practice I was moving you around more probably because I got the weight advantage on you.

You wouldn’t but still okay, that’s fine. I mean I’d probably

Richie Burke: win though Johnny hockey 15 says hey kev we are ben state. What’s up? Johnny hockey 15 shout out. Johnny hockey this one’s for zach, what is cow bay And what is the best thing about it?

Zach L’Heureux: So, Cow Bay is where I billeted when I was in Halifax.

And a billet is a host family. It’s a host family. So, Cow Bay is a little city about 25 minutes, I’d say, outside Halifax. Right on the water and just beautiful little town. Beautiful people, you know, just so nice. And, you know, they welcomed me in with open arms. And it’s definitely like a second home to me here.

Richie Burke: Did they have a security camera?

Zach L’Heureux: They did. They did.

Oh, that’s great. Alright, so this is, so my billets had like a, like a ring camera. And, oh, that’s great. Who sent that? Oh, that’s awesome. So it was probably my first week I was there.they must have been out of the house or, or something. I think it was maybe in the middle of the day. And,so the boys, we, I think we were coming back from the beach.

So they dropped me off. And, so I go down, like I’m leaving. So they, you know, you turn and it’s kind of like on a hill. So they’re like at the top of the hill driving away. And I just kind of like, just drop my pants and start waving. Just like to say bye to the boys, like just trying to be funny. But Dave, there’s a camera right behind me.

And this is like the first week I was there. So, funny enough, they’ve never, they never told me the story until I was going to leave. And they said, you know, this happened your first week you were there and we knew you’d fit in right away. So yeah, that was my welcome to Halifax moment right there.

Shout out to Andrew Simp. Yeah, that’s my bullet dad.

Richie Burke: I think he messaged me that on Instagram like, am I, am I gonna wanna ask? Ask this. That’s great. Love it. Jenna was wondering, what’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you during a game? Anything more embarrassing than your billet family seeing you drop your pants in front of their house the first week you were there?

Kevin Wall: I hope there isn’t on the ice. Embarrassing. I would hope

Zach L’Heureux: so too. Yeah, I mean, I’ve done some embarrassing things out there

Kevin Wall: during game.

Richie Burke: During the game, in the locker room, before the game, I don’t know. Like,

Kevin Wall: nothing like that. I mean, I’ve gone out, I’ve stepped out with my skate cards on before. Yeah, like, I feel like I fell during, I fell in warm ups this year. Base planted, helmet came off, it was horrible. Yeah, I did that. I ran into

Zach L’Heureux: one of my guys a couple years ago and like, I didn’t have my chin strap off because I thought I was the coolest junior kid ever.

And my helmet went absolutely flying and that was like a big no no. Yeah, so that was that was a little embarrassing definitely

Richie Burke: All right, Okay, kasha jenna. What is what’s ascii’s go to victory celebration after w?

Zach L’Heureux: And like on the ice he usually gives a couple Like down on a knee or oh, yeah one pp, but they both both like always

Kevin Wall: do it Yeah, it’s like a leg in the air and yeah a couple fist bps maybe or he’ll just pull the net down and doReverse push ups with it.

Zach L’Heureux: Yeah when he did that, that was cool He doesn’t he doesn’t have like a dance in the room though or nothing. No

Richie Burke: Just speaks russian. All right. We got some questions about what about after the game Ads have a big w where where are we going? Where are we going, Kevin?

Kevin Wall: Potter Street Brewery.

Zach L’Heureux: The brewery?

Kevin Wall: Yep.

Zach L’Heureux: That’s been our spot.

Kevin Wall: Good spot. We went there like once in the beginning of the year and then just haven’t Yeah, we go to

Richie Burke: That’s usually it. That’s really it. They did a nice job. It’s a newer spot. Yeah. St. Moners is the harp in Trinity. If you guys go there at all. We’ve been to the harp. Yep. We’ve been all over.

Red, white and blue. No problem. Are you too old for that? No, I haven’t been there. You might be too old for that. Is that downtown or on 3rd street? The red white blue. It’s on 3rd street. No. Solid spot. Ben Anderson was wondering if you’ve been to the upstairs area of Joe Katz before and if you have any thoughts on it.

So funny enough. Yeah, we haven’t been. We’ve been

Kevin Wall: in Joe Katz on the first floor, but apparently last year Joe Katz was like a popular spot. Yeah, it was their spot. They would always go up there. Haven’t been this year though. Maybe we’ll get out there. You guys gotta live a little. In Milwaukee? It’s hard.

We try to take advantage. There’s

Richie Burke: so much, like, most of our weekends we just play. So it’s, you don’t get that much time. Yeah, and on your kinda little break before the playoffs, probably not the best idea to be doing that. No, no, we’re turning. Trying to get dialed maybe the offseason. This is a great question from bones straight from the loopers barn at whistling straights He asks why are they so good at drinking?

I have caddied for a few and they are in a different league Not referring to you two specifically, but maybe hockey players in general I mean just I get that to athletes any of my friends who are in the military. I mean you guys yeah different

Zach L’Heureux: It’s a good point. But I mean, I think it was just kind of bred into my family at least So I kind of just grew up, you know being from Canada Yeah, it’s just

Richie Burke: you know, it’s something I mean, you’re from Bill’s mafia country.

Yeah, you’re from Bill’s monster country Basically the same thing if not more so Don’t see videos of Canadians jping through picnic tables. We chug our maple syrup. Yeah.

Kevin Wall: Yeah, I don’t I just think it’s somehow it’s started back in the old days that it’s just a a thing with hockey that after wins you guys go get beers and These guys are just pretty impressive with what they can take down

Zach L’Heureux: Yeah, there’s definitely

Kevin Wall: there’s some guys out there that are pretty crazy

Richie Burke: What, how many beers in a night would be considered impressive for a hockey player?

Richie Burke: I was going to say 18. Yeah, over 18 maybe. Kind of lighter beers. If you’re drinking like,

Kevin Wall: I’ve seen some guys hammer some IPAs. Yeah, I’ve seen some guys. Good nber, good nber. It’s like, wow. Like a 15

Richie Burke: IPA night?

Kevin Wall: Probably. Damn. Like a

Zach L’Heureux: 12 pack of IPAs. 20 pack of a light beer.

Richie Burke: Yeah. Are they cool the next morning too?

Not too bad. Go out with the boys and wake up with the men. Impressive. I have like six and I’m done the entire next day. I’m a 35 year old non athlete though. So,This one we got,This one’s for Zach, but Kevin, feel free to chime in. Zach, what is the most Canadian thing about you?

Zach L’Heureux: Ooh. He says I speak like a Canadian.

When I say certain words, it’s really different and he calls me out for it, but the most Canadian thing I do I say sorry a lot. I apologize for everything. I feel like that’s probably the most Canadian thing I do

Richie Burke: people in the midwest do that

Zach L’Heureux: Really?

Richie Burke: Yeah Well, I think people who do you guys think is more friendly canadians or midwesterners?

canadians What’s what about what about midwest what about

Zach L’Heureux: midwesterners new yorkers

Kevin Wall: New yorkers

Zach L’Heureux: No way. What’s Midwest? ? Midwest is like this whole area, right? Like Wisconsin? Yeah. Midwest is technically Iowa,

Richie Burke: min Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois. Michigan is Midwest. Maybe Ohio. Yeah. Michigan is considered Midwest.

It’s an educational podcast. Yeah. Yeah. Every day. Everything on here. Oh boy This this one’s for this one’s for zach to joe vilmo Zach, I saw you did a hard launch with your girlfriend on instagram. Is it difficult to maintain? A relationship being an above average professional, an above average looking professional athlete in a city like Milwaukee where temptation is everywhere.

Joe Vilma.

Kevin Wall: Joe for that question.

Zach L’Heureux: It’s taking a long time to answer this one too. I know. stper from Joe Vilma. It’s definitely not the easiest but I have a loving girlfriend and we have a great relationship and.

Richie Burke: Good, good, good answer. Yeah, good answer by Zach that one will keep him out of trouble what is your go to restaurant in Milwaukee?

Ooh, good question.

Zach L’Heureux: I love the Calderone Club It’s a little pasta spot great great spot. Like I think it’s some of the best pasta that I’ve had So I’m gonna have to say there.

Richie Burke: Pasta. That sounded a little Canadian. Right? Yeah, you heard Italian. Call Their Own Club’s great. It’s on the Breaking Bread circuit.

If you guys have heard of that, it’s a group in Milwaukee that goes and gets dinner. Anyway.could

it be like a breakfast bar? Yeah.

Richie Burke: Sweet Diner.

That’s a good one.

Kevin Wall: Yeah, that’s a good

Richie Burke: spot too. Their pancakes are phenomenal. All right, since this question was so popular with the Marquette guys, I gotta ask, who’s one teammate you would not let date your sister on the Admirals?

Ty Feliber.

Zach L’Heureux: Liam

Kevin Wall: Foody. Oh, that’s a good one, too. Great guys, don’t get me wrong. Unreal guys. Yeah,

Zach L’Heureux: just would not let them with a 10 foot pole to my sister.

Richie Burke: Anyone else you want to mention is an honorable mention.

Zach L’Heureux: No, that’s it. That’s it. That’s probably the only guy I’d really be like, no.

Richie Burke: What about one guy on the team you would let date your sister? Well, that’s a good one too. Honestly, oddly enough, probably

Kevin Wall: Kevin Gravel, our captain. No chance. What do you mean, dude? Kevin’s like the straightest arrow ever. I would let I’m gonna disagree with your answer.

Zach L’Heureux: Jasper Weatherby. That’s a good one. That’s a good one. It’s a better one than you. He would date my sister for sure.

Richie Burke: Shout out to Jasper.favorite Milwaukee activity? You

Zach L’Heureux: know what, we went to Dave and Buster’s. I don’t know if that’s a Milwaukee activity, but.

Richie Burke: Yeah, that’s a Tosa activity. I’m right out there.

It’s so fun. I do,Big Brothers Big Sisters. I’ve been doing it for like three months and I got a high energy six year old, Rayshawn. Shout out to Rayshawn. AndI don’t have any kids in the first day. We go to, I take him to Dave Buster’s and he thinks it’s funny to hide from me. And I’m 35 with a sore hip and He’s fast for a six year old.

He’s like climbing in the machines and I’m like losing him sprinting around Dave and Buster’s. So,yeah, he’s gotten, he’s gotten a little better at that the last couple months, but yeah, I had a great time at Dave and Buster’s with Ray Sean. So it’s a great spot.all right. Dave and Busters for a fa if, if one pops in your head, that’s actually in the city.

And the next one. Yeah. I’m trying to wait. Feel free to shout that out. No, I’m trying to think.

Kevin Wall: We haven’t done lot. Do you guys like doing

Richie Burke: anything in the city other than going to the brew? I mean golf, but it’s not like actually great golf. Oh yeah. Really good. Wisconsin. Any

Kevin Wall: forces? The Bog. Bog. I thought that was a great course.

Grant Park. We’ll go do we go to Grant a lot. This one of the first ones open.trying to get out to Westling Straits at some point towards the end of this year.

Richie Burke: Oh, bones could caddy for you. Perfect. Done. That’s easy.from Romo Cop, we’ll end on some friendly ones. Favorite ads moment so far? Anything stand out to you?

Zach L’Heureux: I got one. Definitely when Cal O’Reilly broke the record. That was pretty cool and then you know for him to get it And I know I kind of had a big part in it, too So I thought it was it was it was definitely a special moment for for me Yeah

Kevin Wall: Because you got the assist. Yep. That was why I was a big moment for you Well, no It’s

Zach L’Heureux: just it was so big for the team and like for him and his family and you made the yeah And I was like a part of it.

So I was like awesome You know, I wasn’t you know, I didn’t do shit for him. He did everything but

Richie Burke: you have to assist

Kevin Wall: I’m just busting your balls.winning,getting the win streak at home.

Zach L’Heureux: That 19th

Kevin Wall: one? Yeah. Who did we beat? I don’t know, but especially with, I want to say Goose was in the net. And just him being from Milwaukee, it was just like, a very cool and unique moment, especially for our first years.

That was, That was pretty sick.

Richie Burke: How’s, how’s, how’s the fan base been in Milwaukee? It’s for an AHL team. I mean, we got a

Zach L’Heureux: Like, I’ve Really good. Like a lot of the guys have said like this year especially has been even over the top. So it’s, it’s like for us who don’t know any better, like this is awesome.

Like we love it.

Kevin Wall: Yeah, I mean you can see when you go to other places, Yeah. Nothing compares to our home rink. Yeah, there’s definitely

Zach L’Heureux: a few other barns that I’d say like are probably as cool and entertaining. Yeah. I think like just our fans are so involved to like they’re screaming at the other goalie Like I feel like we probably have like the most coordinated fans in the league.

Yeah, they’ve been great.

Richie Burke: Yeah We’ll end it here. Any any closing message you want to say to the ads fans of the city of Milwaukee?

Zach L’Heureux: Let’s go win a cup. Yeah, let’s do it. I mean we’re we’re on the train now and there’s no getting off of it. So Hopefully they’re all on board too and with us all the way

Richie Burke: Love it kevin and zach great meeting you guys today. Thanks for coming down. Yeah. Thanks for having us. Appreciate it Thank you for tuning into this episode of milwaukee uncut If you do want to support the show, please subscribe wherever you are listening Write a review that helps us out and share this content with your friends We’ve also got a lot of great content on youtube and instagram.

So check us out on there Milwaukee uncut is produced in the heart of walkers point by Story Mark Studios in partnership with OnMilwaukee and presented by Nicolet Law and Central Standard Distillery

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